功效:营养丰富 。适合不爱吃米饭和粥的婴幼儿 。
做法:将大虾取出用刀剁碎,挑出虾肠,剁碎,淋少许香油,撒少许盐,搅拌成泥 。用筷子夹起一根手指大小的虾酱,用馄饨皮包起来,入锅煮熟,撒上葱花和紫菜碎 。
做法:将鲜鱼洗净,葱、姜、火腿、香菇切丝 。在鱼背上放一把斜刀,用开水烫一下,去除鱼腥味 。取出装盘,将葱、姜、火腿、香菇丝塞入花刀和鱼肚,淋上酱油、料酒、盐和少许葵花油,蒸熟在锅里 。
功效:富含多种营养素和DHA,可促进幼儿大脑发育 。
做法:鲫鱼洗净,在鱼身上抹少许盐,防止粘锅 。锅内放食油烧至70%火,放入鱼片炒一会,再加入各种调味料,加水烧开,加入豆腐,煮10-15分钟,汤呈乳白色,撒上葱花即可 。
功效:蛋白质含量全面优质,增强抵抗力 。
做法:土豆洗净去皮,切成约8mm厚的片 。把它们放在平底锅里煎,直到两面都变成褐色并起泡 。在一侧涂抹适量的原味沙拉 。
功效:提供均衡营养,适合长牙宝宝磨牙 。
材料:软豆腐、熟笋片、鲜香菇、大葱、大蒜、姜、酱油、盐、料酒、香油少许、鸡汤 。
做法:将豆腐放入盘中,加料酒,切成1.5cm见方的块 。蒸40分钟 。鲜香菇在一锅开水中煮1分钟,捞出,用水冲洗干净,切块;将竹笋切成小块;将洋葱、生姜和大蒜切片 。放入豆腐、竹笋、葱、姜、蒜片,加入鸡汤入砂锅,中火煮开,煮10分钟,加入香菇片,加酱油煮一会,淋上香油即可发球 。
功效:是儿童补钙的黄金搭档 。
方法:泥鳅在清水中饲养2天,加几滴植物油,宰杀后洗净 。Wash and cut theinto ; cut the tofu into -sized , andthem in hot water. Heat the oil until it is 40% hot, add onion and , fry the loach to , add water,salt, sugar, tofu, , bring to a boil, andfor 40on low heat.
: , sweet , flour, sugar, olive oil in
: Wash and peel theand cut 0.8cm thick , soak them in light salt water. Add sweetand sugar to the flour, add water and stir to make a thin paste. Take the oil out of the pan, coat the applewiththin , fry it in the pan, take it out and heat it in thefor 2 , so that theare .
: green ,of white ,of rock sugar
: Wash the ,the seeds, put it in a bowl, put in thewhite ,rock sugar on the white , and steam it with high heat.
: Helps babyand .
65.Milk Sago
: milk, sago, , asugar
: Soak the sago in cold water for 1 hour; mash theinto puree. Boil the sagowith thewater until the sago, add milk andpaste and cook for a while.
66.Three Fresh Egg
: eggs, , ,meat,of onion, ,ofoil,wine, salt, aoil
: Wash and dice ; dice . Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion andand stir-fry until , add the three cubes, addwine, salt, and fry until . Crack the eggs into a bowl, add asalt and water and mix , put it in a pot and steam it hot, pour in the fried three cubes, stir well, andto steam for 5-8 .
:rich in iron,and .
67. lion head
: water ,pork belly, , , egg white, soy sauce, asalt
: Mince the waterand , stir with all theuntil thick, shape theinto -sizedby hand, and steam them in a pot.
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