68. inSauce
: ,sauce, eggs,green beans,ofoil, water , salt, awhite pond, rice wine
: Put theinto a bowl, add egg white, salt, water andto. When the oilis 50% or 60%, add the , andit tothe oil after it has . Leave theoil in thepot, put thesauce and stir fry, then pour theand green beans into the pot, add rice wine, white sugar,salt, then pour in the water , stir fry a few times, and then pour theoil.
:theand .
69.Cold lotus root
: lotus root, white sugar, a
: Cut the lotus root into thinandthem in a pot ofwater.and mix with sugar andwith.
:, . Great for.
70. withsauce
: cold skin,paste, , ,paste,soup, salt,oil, a
: Cut the cold skin into 1cm wide and 3cm long , scald inwater,and let cool. Peel and shred theand ; add salt to thepaste, and thenadd thebroth and grind. Pour cold peel,, andinto thepaste,withoil and, and mix well.
: It is veryfor 's brain .
: Toon, eggs, , salt and oil in
:the toon inwater and chop it into ; wash theand chop them. Beat the eggs, add intoon and,asalt, beatin one , and fry in a hot oil pan until .
: Theodor of Toonacanthefromto thewall and befrom the body.
72.Cream Pasta
:pasta, ,green beans, , cream, eggs, milk, aolive oil
How to: Cook pasta in hot water; shredand . Fry half an egg with olive oil, add,, green peas and cream to the quick fry, pour in half a bowl ofstock and cook until soft, addand milk and cook for a while.
73.Dried pork rice bowl
:meat,??, black , , andin
: Soak thein warm water,out the water and cut into fine . Leave the water forthefor later use. Cut the, black ,andinto small . Heat oil in a pan, sauté diceduntil , addmeat andand stir well, addandwater,over low heat until the soup , pour thin weton top, heat for a while, cover with dried meat onto the mushy rice.
74. beef
: , beef, , greenin
: Soak the beef in light salt water for half an hour and cut it into 1cm; cut theinto small . Put the beef in a riceandfor 30 .锅里加一点油 。After the oil is hot, add onion andand saute until . Add in theand stir-fry for a while. Pour in the beef and soup, add salt and cook for about 20 , until the meat isand the soup is thick.
75. Dried Pork
: dried soft tofu, lean meat, , ,, sugar, a, 1each of thick wetand thin wet
: Cut the meat into , stir in asugar andsalt, add wetand stir to stick. Cut the dried tofu into ; cut theandinto inch . Take the oil pan, addand saute until , addpork toand , add dried tofu,and , add salt andand fry until , pour in thin wetand fry for a while.
:and .
76.Fried San Ding
: egg, tofu, , a,of onion and
: Put the egg yolk into a bowl and mix , pour it into aplate, steam it in a , take it out and cut it into small cubes. Cut tofu andinto cubes. Heat oil in a hot pot, sauté onion anduntil , then add in diced egg yolk, diced tofu, diced , addof water and fine salt, burnto taste, water andto make juice.
:withcanheat and .sore .
: quail,
: Wash the quail, put it into the stew potwith the , add asalt and steam for two hours.
:and qi,blood and.
78. Honey Bars
: ,of honey
: Cut theinto , put it in a pot and boil,the soup, add honey, and boil again.
:heat and,water and, and honeyand .
: , , ,of water
: peel and slice the ; wash the ;chop the . Heat the oil in a pot, put in theandand stir-fry, addand salt when , pour in thin water , and stir-fry for a while.
:heat and ,and .is a good blood tonic.
How to: Wash theand heat them in the .for 5to cool.
:andfatty acids,the brain and.
81.Amber peach
:,seeds, half a bowl of sugar
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