
aloft 基本解释
副词在高处; 在空中
aloft 相关例句
1. The first fliers went aloft in balloons.
最早的飞行员乘坐气球升向空中 。
2. The smoke rose aloft.
烟往高处冒 。
3. aloft的反义词
3. The sailor climbed aloft to look for land.
那个水手爬上桅顶寻找陆地 。
4. It went aloft.
它上升了 。
aloft 网络解释
1. aloft的意思
1. 雅乐轩:2008年在美国、加拿大和中国开张17家酒店之后,雅乐轩(aloft)酒店在2009年将把数量翻倍,在休斯顿、凤凰城、阿布扎比及其它城市开业. 另外,喜达屋集团的绿色先驱品牌element,预计今年将在休斯顿和丹佛等美国市场再开5家酒店.
2. 在高处:aloeswood 伽罗木 | aloft 在高处 | alogia 失语症
3. 高:aloft work 高空作业 | aloft 高 | aloft 高空;船上高处;桅上
4. 高空;船上高处;桅上:aloft 高 | aloft 高空;船上高处;桅上 | along the fiber 顺纹
5. aloft的意思
5. aloft:airborne light optical fibre technology; 空用光纤科技
aloft 双语例句
1. Among the river sallows, ⑽ borne aloft
在河柳间 , 夹杂在悲戚的唱诗班中
2. Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
但不要想这些吧 , 你也有你的音乐--当波状的云把将逝的一天映照 , 以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野 , 这时啊 , 河柳下的一群小飞虫就同奏哀音 , 它们忽而飞高 , 忽而下落 , 随着微风的起灭;篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱 , 在园中红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;而群羊在山圈里高声默默咩叫;丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇 。
3. The pollen can be carried aloft and travel great distances in the upper air stream.
花粉能被带到高处 , 并在高层的气流中被带至很远的距离 。
4. How pure are the dews of the hills, how fresh is the mountain air, how rich the fare of the dwellers aloft, whose windows look into the New Jerusalem!
在山顶上 , 露珠何等光明、美丽 , 空气多么清洁、新鲜 , 居民何其幽逸、清高 , 他们一推窗就可望见新耶路撒冷!
【alof是什么意思|alof的音标|alof的用法】5. With a built in tri-axis accelerometer, HangTime can sense when the wearer has left terra firma and then measures each hundredth of a second aloft.
带有内置在三轴加速度计 , hangtime可以感觉到时 , 穿衣已经离开陆地 , 然后措施 , 每一个百分之一秒 , 高举 。
6. aloft
6. An abishai tried to sneak up from behind and aloft and was skewered for its effort.
一只亚比西魔(并非所有的亚比西魔都是逃兵)试着潜行到对手的后方上空 , 却反被一剑串了起来 。
7. aloft
7. G work aloft or on deck in heavy weather
g 恶劣天气中在高处或甲板上工作
8. Here the counsel in his wig and gown, and here the old Jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let, and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat band and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dang ling his showy seals. Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. Here The sleek capitalist, and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience, and here the shoe black; here the poet, and here the water rate collect or; here the cabinet minister, and there the ballet dancer. Here a red nosed p ublican, shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strutting thing, tawdry in paint and finery.