alof是什么意思|alof的音标|alof的用法( 三 )

利比里亚前总统回忆起了当年当教授时的学术生活 , 而马达加斯加岛前总统阿尔贝·扎菲则讲述起了当年做医生的生活 。
16. aloft
16. During the New Democratic period the Party's Seventh Congress set aloft the great banner of integrating the universal truths of Marxism with the practical course of the Chinese revolution\_MAO Ze|dong Thought\_and this led to the rapid victory of the Chinese democratic revolution.
把马克思主义普遍真理同中国具体实践相结合 , 是关乎中国命运且又常论常新的基本课题 。民主革命时期 , 党的七大树起把马克思主义普遍真理与中国革命具体实践相结合的伟大旗帜———毛泽东思想 , 使中国民主革命很快取得胜利 。
17. Here stands aloft a symbolic tower originating from ancient civilization and lie an are plaza of the twelve animals representing Earthly Branches up to the world standard and Jiuzhaigou Grand Theater of the first rate in China.
这里有源于古老文明的标志塔 , 世界级的十二牛肖艺术广场和中国一流的九寨沟大剧院 。
18. Just then I heard a faint slatting of canvas aloft.
就在这时 , 我听到了微弱的slatting帆布雅乐轩 。
19. In flight, an airplane wing must give downward momentum to air at rate sufficient to provide the needed upward force to keep the plane aloft.
在飞行时 , 飞机的机翼必须以某种速度对空气产生一各向下的冲力 , 以获得是飞机保持在空中所需要的向上的力 。
20. As a new loading/unloading machine, SCZ25-2 model telescopic loader is equipped with fork and side-shifting device, it is suitable for hoisting and piling of goods packed in boxes, and also for such aloft work as installation and maintenance of street lighting fitting and laying-out of underground pipelines (pipeline of tap water, gas and so on) in the construction of municipal works, and it may be used widely in such sites as factories, stations, logistics terminals, goods yards, post office, forest farm, enterprises of building materials, and warehouses, and therefore it is a loading/unloading machine with wide adaptability and high efficiency.
SCZ25-2伸缩臂装载机是一种新型装卸机械 , 它备有货叉和侧移工作装置 , 适合于从事成箱货物的起重和堆垛 , 也可在市政工程施工中从事道路照明设备的安装检修等高空作业和各种底下管道(例如自来水管、煤气管等)的安装铺设等作业 , 并能广泛地适用于工厂、车站、码头、货场、邮电、林场、建材、仓库、物流等行业 , 是一种适应性广和效率高的装卸机械 。
aloft 词典解释
1. 在空中;在高处
Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground.
e.g. He held the trophy proudly aloft.
他自豪地高举起奖杯 。
e.g. Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day.
9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中 。
aloft 单语例句
1. The 1996 Atlanta Games had all of those - and drama, too - when " The Greatest " Muhammad Ali held the torch aloft during the opening ceremony.
2. Others held aloft banners which read " Sleaze Brings Disease in Body & Mind ".
3. It's the story of a curmudgeonly widower who sets off to South America in a house carried aloft by thousands of helium balloons.
4. The cloud was kept aloft for weeks by the pressure of constant eruptions, covering towns in neighboring Argentina with volcanic ash.
5. He held aloft both arms and hugged his caddie before clapping above his head in appreciation of the crowd.
6. Aloft Beijing has a stylish unpretentiousness that endears the hotel to clients searching for a " fun stay ".
7. The government has not said how long Fei and Nie would stay aloft, but news reports said it could be three to five days.