alof是什么意思|alof的音标|alof的用法( 二 )

这里既有头戴假发、身穿礼服的法律顾问 , 又有头缠肮脏毛巾的老年犹太成衣商;这里既有一身红军装的士兵 , 又有戴着飘带帽子和旧棉手套的送丧吹鼓手;这里既有动作笨拙的学者 , 翻阅着他那发黄的书页 , 又有香气袭人的演员 , 炫耀着华丽的豹皮大衣;既有圆滑的政客 , 叫喊着立法万能 , 又有徒步游历的江湖小贩 , 高举着他那骗人的狗皮膏药;这里既有油嘴滑舌的资本家 , 又有身强力壮的雇佣工;这里既有科学家 , 又有擦鞋匠;这里既有诗人 , 又有收水费的人;这里既有内阁部长 , 又有芭蕾舞演员;这里既有自夸其酒好的糟鼻子酒商 , 又有每夜50镑报酬的戒酒宣讲者;这里既有法官 , 又有骗子;这里既有神父 , 又有赌徒;这里既有珠光宝气的公爵夫人 , 笑容可掬 , 雍容华贵 , 又有厌倦了烹调、瘦骨嶙峋的客栈老板;这里还有浓妆艳抹、趾高气扬的货色 。
9. 1 Empty and false are the hopes of the senseless, and fools are borne aloft by dreams.
愚人的希望 , 是虚幻而妄诞的;梦境使无知的人想入非非 。
10. aloft
10. So these two beings lived in this manner, high aloft, with all that improbability which is in nature; neither at the nadir nor at the zenith, between man and seraphim, above the mire, below the ether, in the clouds; hardly flesh and blood, soul and ecstasy from head to foot; already too sublime to walk the earth, still too heavily charged with humanity to disappear in the blue, suspended like atoms which are waiting to be precipitated; apparently beyond the bounds of destiny; ignorant of that rut; yesterday, to-day, to-morrow; amazed, rapturous, floating, soaring; at times so light that they could take their flight out into the infinite; almost prepared to soar away to all eternity.
那两个人便是这样过活的 , 高洁绝伦 , 世上少有 , 他们既不在天底点 , 也不在天顶点 , 是在人与高级天使之间 , 在污泥之上 , 清霄之下 , 云雾之中;几乎没有了骨和肉 , 从头到脚全是灵魂和憧憬;着地已感固体太少 , 升空又嫌人味太重 , 仿佛是在原子将落未落的悬浮状态中;看来已超越于生死之外 , 不知有昨日、今日、明日这样乏味的轮转 , 陶陶然 , 醺醺然 , 飘飘然 , 有时 , 轻盈得可以一举升入太虚 , 几乎能够一去不复返 。
11. This indicated that the southwestward movement of CHANCHU was leaded by the southwest wind aloft.
这种非正常的速度分布恰恰是由于中低层3KM以下的冷空气侵入所导致的 。
12. A composite front when colder air surrounds a mass of warm air and forces it aloft.
冷空气包围了暖气团并使之上升而形成的组合锋 。
13. aloft的反义词
13. Meanwhile, fifteen of Africa's aloft active of accompaniment accept been affair in Mali to accede what THEY can do to abetment political and bread-and-butter development.
同时 , 十五名非洲国家前领导人在马里开会 , 讨论他如何协助非洲国家政治和经济的发展 。
14. aloft
14. About the size of a goldfinch, the bird had an alula, or bastard wing, that would have helped it stay aloft at slow speeds.
大小约一goldfinch  , 禽流了阿卢拉 , 或王八翼 , 这将有助于它留在高举速度变慢 。
15. Liberia's Professor Amos Sawyer alternate to bookish life, and aloft Admiral Albert Zafy of Madagascar is already afresh a doctor.