alof是什么意思|alof的音标|alof的用法( 四 )

8. Blood spurts and cheers ring out as the boy triumphantly holds the severed head aloft.
9. As Nowitzki was driven away, he held the MVP trophy aloft through the sun roof of his sport utility vehicle.
10. McGuinness said the decision to open any Aloft hotel anywhere in the world is dependent on location along with the right partnership and operator.
aloft 英英释义
1. in the higher atmosphere above the earth
e.g. weather conditions aloft are fine
2. at or to great height
high up in or into the air
e.g. eagles were soaring aloft
dust is whirled aloft
3. upward
e.g. the good news sent her spirits aloft
4. at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship
e.g. climbed aloft to unfurl the sail