初高中英语知识,中华民族32个传统文化相关的英语词与句 世界之最英文( 七 )

⑴Chinese Kung Fu is magnificent and profound but it’s unfortunate that a lot of it has not been passed down.
⑵Taijiquan can make you feel at peace. In addition to emphasizing matching the movements with your breathing, it is good for your health too.
⑶The primary reason for practicing kung fu is for health reasons. Defense is of secondary importance and hurting others is abolutely unacceptable.
⑴中国功夫博大精深,可惜有很多已经失传了 。
⑵太极拳可以使人心境平和,加上它注重呼吸配合动作,对身体也有好处 。
⑶练武的主要目的在于锻炼身体,其次是防身,至于用来伤人是万万不可以的 。
There is much more to Kung Fu than Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee. Kung Fu is an art form, and also, very good for you.
功夫并不只是指成龙或李小龙,它是一种艺术形式,而且对你很有好处 。
Many styles of Kung Fu are based on the ideas of nature. Ancient boxing masters often developed their fighting techniques by observing the world around them. Animals, birds, and insects provided the basis for many systems of Kung Fu developed in the past.
很多功夫招式来源于对自然界的想象 。古代拳术大师常常通过观察他们周围的世界改进拳术技法 。动物、鸟类和昆虫为过去很多功夫的系统发展提供了基础 。
Many of the hard forms of Kung Fu came from a Buddhist Monastery called “Shaolin”. An Indian priest named Tamo came to live there nearly 1500 years agou. According to legend, Tamo arrived at the monastery where he found the monks in poor physical condition. Because they couldn’t stay awake during meditation, Tamo introduced a series of 18 exercise designed to feed both body and mind. These movements are said to have merged with self-defense tactics studied in the Shaolin Temple.
很多硬功夫都出自叫“少林”的佛教寺庙 。大约1500年前,有个叫达摩的印度僧人来到这里 。传说他来到寺庙,发现那里的和尚身体状况很不好 。因为他们在坐禅时候不能保持清醒,达摩就传授给他们一套十八手拳法,目的是锻炼他们的身心 。据说这些动作融合了他在少林寺研究的防身术 。
I suggest a soft form of Kung Fu, called Tai Qi. It comes from Taoism and it’s very good for your health. Through its training, you can get inner peace and a sense of physical and emotional well being. It’s often called Chinese Yoga: the art and science of meditation through movement.
我建议你学习一种温和的功夫,叫太极拳 。它源于道教,对你的健康非常有好处 。通过这种训练,你能达到内心的平和,以及身体和情绪上的安宁舒适 。它经常被人们称作中国瑜伽:通过运动达到沉思冥想的一种艺术和科学 。
五. 汉字(Chinese characters)Chinese characters were initially meant to be simple pictures used to help people remember things. After a long period of development, it finally became a unique character system that embodies phonetic sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time. The writing system, which was extremely advanced in ancient times, began with inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells, and these are regarded as the original forms of Chinese characters.
Afterwards, Chinese characters went through numerous calligraphic styles: bronze inscriptions, official script, regular script, cursive script, running script, etc. Chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs of an orbicular sky and a rectangular Earth. The five basic strokes of Chinese characters are “---“ (the horizontal stroke) “│” (the vertical stroke), “/”( the left-falling stroke), “\” (the right-falling stroke), and “乙” (the turning stroke).
汉字是从原始人用以记事的简单图画,经过不断演变发展最终成为一种兼具音、形、意韵的独特文字 。现存中国古代最早成熟的文字是甲骨文,被认为是现代汉字的初形 。此后,汉字又经历了金文、隶书、楷书、草书、行书等不同的阶段 。汉字结构“外圆内方“,源于古人”天圆地方“的观念 。汉字有五种基本笔画,即:横、竖、撇、捺、折 。