初高中英语知识,中华民族32个传统文化相关的英语词与句 世界之最英文

一.春节Spring Festival
二.元宵节the Lantern Festival
三.端午节Dragon Boat Festival
四.中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival
五.七夕节Qiqiao Festival (the Chinese Valentine’s Day)
第二部分 中国文化元素
一. 长城(The Great Wall)
二. 饺子(Dumplings)
三. 筷子(Chinese Chopsticks)
四. 中国功夫(Chinese kung fu)
五. 汉字(Chinese characters)
六. 秧歌舞(Yangko)
七. 针灸(Acupuncture)
八. 中国龙(Chinese Dragon)
九. 中国印章(Chinese Seal)
十. 京剧(Chinese Beijing Opera)
十一. 中国成语(Chinese Idioms)
十二. 丝绸(Silk)
十三.中国园林 Chinese Classical Garden
十四.文房四宝(The Four Treasures of the Study)
十五. 中国印章(Chinese Seal)
十六. 天干地支(Chinese Era)
十七.中国画(The Chinese paitings)
十八.中西医(Chinese Medicine)
十九.书法艺术(The Art of Calligraphy )
一.餐桌礼仪Table Manners(1)
二.餐桌礼仪Table Manners(2)
三.中国人崇尚的颜色China’s Favorite Colors
四.喝茶The Tea-Drinking(1)
五.The Tea-Drinking(2) 喝茶
六.The Secret of Numbers 数字的秘密
七.美食的色相The Color of Food

第一部分:中国节日一.春节Spring Festival⑴It falls on the first day of the first lunar month(阴历正月).
⑵People follow many national and local customs.
⑶We paste spring poems (贴春联)with luck words on the door.
⑷We eat delicious food with symbolic values(有象征意义的美味食品),for example, chicken for good luck.
⑸We exchange greetings with friends and relatives.
⑹People may give children lucky money in red paper.
⑴阴历的正月初一是春节 。
⑵人们延续很多传统习俗 。
⑶我们在门上贴春联 。
⑷我们吃有象征意义的美味食品,比如鸡肉 。
⑸我们相互拜年问候 。
⑹人们给小孩压岁钱 。
二.元宵节the Lantern Festival⑴It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month.
⑵It marks the end of the Spring Festival.
⑶On that day, people eat sweet dumplings for good luck.
⑷Special activities include the display of lanterns(灯笼)and riddle solving(猜灯谜).
⑴元宵节在农历的正月十五 。
⑵它标志着春节的结束 。
⑶那一天,人们吃汤圆,以求吉祥如意 。
⑷有些特色的活动,比如观灯、猜灯谜 。
⑴It is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day. It comes on April 4th or 5th .
⑵In Chinese Qingming means “clear and bright”.
⑶It is a day for the living to show love and respect to dead frends, relatives and ancestors.
⑷People will sweep the tombs, light incense, put meats, vegetables, wine in front of the tomb .
⑸Besides, people burn paper money for the dead to use in afterlife.
⑴清明节也叫“扫墓节”,实在4月4日或5日 。
⑵在汉语中 “清明”是“clear and bright”的意思 。
⑶那一天寄托了对死去的亲朋好友和祖先的感情和尊敬 。
⑷人们在墓前扫墓、点香烛、放上酒肉等 。
⑸除此之外,人们烧纸钱,供他们在死后使用 。
三.端午节Dragon Boat Festival⑴It is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month.
⑵It honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan.
⑶People gather to watch the colorful “Dragon Boat Races”(龙舟比赛).
⑷People eat rice dumpings on that day.
⑴端午节在农历五月初五 。
⑵端午节是为了纪念古代诗人——屈原 。