初高中英语知识,中华民族32个传统文化相关的英语词与句 世界之最英文( 六 )

⑴中国人每天都在使用筷子 。
⑵现在我想借这个机会和大家一起聊一些有关于筷子历史的有趣故事 。
⑶我想你会赞同即使是日常生活中一件小物品也会有其引人入胜的故事 。
⑷虽然筷子起源于中国,但现在很多的亚洲国家都在使用 。
⑸最早的筷子是用骨头和玉制成的 。
⑹在春秋时代又出现了铜制和铁制的筷子 。
⑺在古代,富人家用玉筷子或金筷子以显示其家庭的富有 。
⑻许多帝王用银制的筷子以检查他们的食物中是否被人投了毒 。
⑼筷子在传统上是被当作 新娘的嫁妆的,因为“筷子”在汉语中读作“kuaizi”,听起来很像“快得儿子” 。
⑽许多外国朋友在访问中国的时候都使用筷子 。
⑾甚至是美国前总统尼克松在为其到来而举办的欢迎宴会上也使用了筷子 。
⑿他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品 。
【拓展2】The Story of Chopsticks(2) 筷子的故事⑴In ancient China, chopsticks signified far lore than tools that take food to the mouth; they also signified status and rules, “can”and ”can’t”.
⑵During the Northern Song Dynasty, an official named Tang Su once had dinner with the emperor. He was not well informed in noble table etiquette and so laid down his chopsticks horizontally on the table before the emperor did. As a result, he was expatriated to a frontier area for penal servitude.
⑶In ancient eating etiquette, there were over a dozen taboos concening chopsticks. For example , they could not be placed vertically into a dish, as this was the way of making sacrifices to the dead.
⑴在古代中国,筷子不仅仅是把食物送到口中的餐具,它被赋予了重要的内涵和“能”和“不能”的规矩 。
⑵北宋朝时,一个叫唐肃的官员陪皇帝进膳 。他不了解用餐时使用筷子的礼仪,在皇帝还没有吃完时,他把筷子横放在桌子上,表示他不想再吃了 。结果这位官员被发配边疆 。
⑶在古代的饮食礼仪中,筷子的使用方法的禁忌有十多种 。比如,忌将筷子竖直插入菜盘或饭碗中,因为这代表为死人上坟 。
四. 中国功夫(Chinese kung fu)Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attack and defence in combat and the motions engaged with a series of skill and tricks. The core idea of Chinese king fu is derived from the Confucian theory of both “the mean and harmony” and “cultivating qi” (otherwise known as nourishing one’s spirit). Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a long history, with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient great thinkers’ pondering of life and the universe.
The skills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generations mainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing (Taijiquan), form and will boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), and the skills of kung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears, two-edged swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, kooks, prongs and so on.
中国功夫即中国武术,是将技击寓于搏斗和套路运动之中的中国传统体育项目,承载着丰富的中国民族传统文化 。其核心思想是儒家的中和养气之说,同时兼容了道家、释家的思想 。中国武术源远流长、流派林立、拳种繁多,讲究刚柔并济、内外兼修,蕴含着先哲们对生命和宇宙的参悟 。后世所称十八般武艺,主要指:徒手拳艺,如太极拳、形意拳、八卦掌等;器械功夫,如刀枪剑戟、斧钺钩叉等 。