“读懂中国”主题演讲|马布里:从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我 中国之最为主题的演讲属于( 五 )

当航班降落我踏上中国的土地,是爱意迎接了我 。让我再说一遍,我得到了数千人的爱与欢迎,让我惊喜的是他们对我微笑,并举着写着“欢迎到中国来!”的牌子 。这让我觉得,中国人会把我当成自己人来接纳 。
When my flight landed and I stepped foot on China soil, love welcomed me here. Let me say that again. I was greeted with love by thousands of people from China. To my pleasant surprise, they smiled at me and held up signs stating “Welcome to China!”. That made me feel like the Chinese people would love me as one of their own.
我妈妈常说,生活中有些东西是你想要的,有些东西是你需要的,在那一刻我需要感受到爱,而你们让我在最需要爱的时候,收获了它 。正因为如此,我将永远感激中国人民,中国,你赢得了我的心 。这种爱对我的存在至关重要,原因在于它帮助我,重建了生活找回了自我 。
My mother always says there are some things in life you want and then there are some things you need. I needed to feel love at that exact moment and you all made me feel that way when I needed love the most. Because of that, I will forever be grateful to the people of China. China, you have won my heart. This type of love was so crucial to my existence. Crucial because it helped me to rebuild and redeem my life and myself.
我一开始来到中国,是为了在CBA打篮球,而且来到了一个有3亿多人打篮球的地方,热爱着我热爱的篮球运动,这个人数比美国的人口还多,我最初考虑在中国最多待几年,但是爱,中国人民给予我的爱,使我决定留在中国,把中国当作我的第二个家 。
I first came to China to play basketball in the CBA, and to a place, more than 300 million people play the game of basketball I now love. That many people is more than all the people in America. I initially considered staying in China for just a few years max. But love. The love the Chinese people have showered me with has convinced me to stay and make China my second home.
我刚来中国的时候,我在山西打球,后来我在佛山打了一年,之后我去了北京,在那里我为北京的两支球队,北京首钢篮球俱乐部和北京紫禁勇士篮球俱乐部效力,我打了20多年职业篮球后,我的职业篮球生涯,在北京紫禁勇士篮球俱乐部画上了句点 。现在,我是北京紫禁勇士队的主教练,在此之前我曾效力于北京首钢篮球俱乐部,并带领首钢队获得了三次CBA冠军,我学会了如何赢得比赛如何调整我的打法,以适应CBA的比赛,我们创造了CBA的历史,但他们很难接受失败的结果,每个人都喜欢成功者,在通往胜利甚至失败的道路上,你取胜的方式与如何与队友相处,如何对待队友都同样重要,因为人们会因此记住你 。
When I first came here, I played in Shanxi. Then I played for one year in Foshan. Afterwards, I went to Beijing where I played for both hometown teams, the Beijing Ducks and the Beijing Royal Fighters. The Royal Fighters is the team I ended my professional basketball career with 20-something years after I had begun playing professional basketball.
Now, I am the head coach for the Royal Fighters. Beforehand, I played for the Beijing Ducks and led the Ducks to three CBA Championships. We made CBA history after I learned how to win and how to adjust my basketball game to play in the CBA. But they have a hard time accepting the result of losing. Everyone loves a winner. The way you win and how you get along with your teammates on your road to victory or even defeat is equally as important because people will remember you for that.
我还记得我为北京首钢队效力的第二年,在那个CBA赛季我们进入了最后四强,但未能卫冕冠军,因为山东队横扫了我们,这一失败让我回想起,我生命中那段战败已成常事的时光,我满脑子想的都是,我们的粉丝会怎么评价,我们在季后赛被淘汰了,他们会怎么对待我们,我没等多久就得到了回答,当我们回到北京的时候,许许多多激动的粉丝,等待在火车站迎接我们,我仍然记得球迷对我说的话,赢就一起狂,输就一起扛,我们的球迷一直在这样喊,我们称这种类型的粉丝为“死忠粉”,因为他们是忠实的,永远忠诚,这再一次让我想起,李小龙的如水哲学,以及有如流水一般的中国人,至少对我来说是这样 。我发现当我开始相信上帝,并将李小龙的思维方式用于我的人生时,我开始适应我的环境并成长,当我有压力的时候,我会思考如水哲学,它帮助我获得内在的力量,我也祈祷并请求上帝的指引,因为我知道上帝已经在我身上降临了奇迹 。