“读懂中国”主题演讲|马布里:从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我 中国之最为主题的演讲属于( 三 )

When I played at the neighborhood Garden, I usually drew a crowd. The young, the old, and the young at heart, including local drug dealers would come and watch me play. They would even challenge me on the basketball court because I was so skilled in basketball for my age. I was what some would call a basketball prodigy. I was advanced because my oldest brother Eric drilled into the heads of my three brothers and me that our bodies had to operate like machines if we wanted to make it and dominate in the NBA. Don, my next oldest brother, would also tell me, “Son B, people have to know you by your first name when you step onto the basketball court. That is how you know they know you, you can play, and that they respect you.”
我甚至在成为一个青少年之前就在全国各地为人熟知并获得尊敬,我12岁的时候,美国一家顶尖体育杂志把我评为全国最好的六年级学生,在美国和世界上许多地方的数百万六年级学生中,我被称为最佳篮球运动员,所以在12岁的时候,我相信我自己是最棒的,我总坚信自己会赢 。如果今天是19岁的我在这里和你们讲,我会说我打篮球是因为我热爱这项运动 。现在回想起来,我意识到我不是被我对比赛的热爱所驱使,而是因为我想赢,想获得赞扬和认可,是因为想让我的家人离开科尼岛的意志 。
I was known and well respected around the country even before I became a teenager. At 12 years old, a top American sports magazine ranked me the best sixth grader in the nation. Out of all the millions of sixth graders in America and in many parts of the world, I was declared the best basketball player. So, at the tender age of 12, I believed I was the best and I always believed I would win! If my 19-year-old self were talking to you today, I would say I play basketball because I love the game. In retrospect, I realize I was not driven by my love for the game but my will to win, to gain praise and recognition and to get my family out of Coney Island.
我获得的名望和赞誉开始宠坏我,作为一名顶级篮球明星,我被聚光灯所蒙蔽,实际上我迷失了自己,我让一个八磅重的物体控制了我的生活,你们看,从来没有人教过我,如何在这种现实生活中成功,那时我还太年轻,没有意识到要想在篮球场上获胜,首先要培养和场外的关系,对胜利的执着吞噬了我,我被胜利冲昏了头脑,变得着迷于此,但是我越是想要赢球,尤其是在NBA,我发现自己离胜利越来越远,离我的队友也越来越远 。最后我就像一箱水,撞到了一堵砖墙上一样“啪!”在这种状态下我不得不问自己,“我怎么了,我真的像他们说的那样是一只独狼吗?”我是不是天生如此难以与他人相处,包括我的队友?
Receiving fame and accolades began to spoil me. I became blinded by the limelight of being a top-ranked basketball star that I actually lost myself. I let an eight-pound object take control of my life. You see, no one had ever taught me how to succeed in this type of real-life situation. And I was too young to realize back then that winning on the basketball court requires one to first foster and cultivate relationships off the court. The fixation of winning consumed me. I was consumed so much by winning that I became obsessed with it. But, the more I tried to win, especially in the NBA, the further away from winning I found myself, and from my teammates. Eventually, I crashed like a tank of water and hit a brick wall. “Splat!”
Being in that headspace forced me to ask myself, “What’s wrong with me? Am I really what they say about me, a lone Wolf?” Was I born this way difficult and hard to get along with others, including my teammates?
我首先要声明,我并不完美,我也会犯错误,但我也要为自己的行为负责,说实话我相信人的一生中至少要犯过一次错误,至少后过一次悔,人生才是完整和丰富的 。尽管如此我还是不相信自己是一匹独狼,一个自私的球员,我是一个领导者没错,但说我是一个只考虑自己的人那可错了,如果你对狼有所了解,你就会知道它们很好斗,这些生物不会轻易害怕,也不会在遇到麻烦或危险时退缩,狼是群居动物,它们一起生活,这种凶猛的动物能应对各种情况 。和狼相比,我认为我的领导能力一度在沉睡、在冬眠,因为我唯一的追求就是胜利,我性格中负责任的那部分,只是在等待合适的时机发挥作用,不幸的是我没能在NBA赢得总冠军,我最后一次为美国职业联盟效力是在2009年,那时我与NBA的关系已经恶化,我们已经做出了改善 。