CNN英语新闻––NBAoeieBillRussell\u0026#39;sNo.6jesey ba历史之最英语

The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced on Thursday it will permanently retire Basketball Hall of Famer Bill Russell's No.6 jersey throughout the league.
美国国家篮球协会(NBA)周四宣布,将永久退役篮球名人堂球员比尔·拉塞尔(Bill Russell)的联盟第六号球衣 。
Russell, who passed away on July 31 at the age of 88, won 11 NBA titles with the Boston Celtics and becomes the first player to have his number retired across all 30 teams.
Russell于7月31日去世,享年88岁 。他在波士顿凯尔特人队赢得了11个NBA总冠军,成为第一个在所有30支球队中退役的球员 。
pass away:过世;去世
"Bill Russell's unparalleled success on the court and pioneering civil rights activism deserve to be honored in a unique and historic way," league commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement announcing the news.
“比尔·拉塞尔在赛场上无与伦比的成功和开创性的民权运动值得以一种独特和历史性的方式受到表彰”联盟委员Adam Silver在宣布这一消息的声明中说 。
英 [?n?p?r?leld] 美 [?n?p?r?leld]
英 [?pa???n??r??] 美 [?pa???n?r??]
"Permanently retiring his No. 6 across every NBA team ensures that Bill's transcendent career will always be recognized," Silver added.
Silver added补充道:“比尔的6号球衣将在所有NBA球队永久退役,这将确保比尔卓越的职业生涯永远得到认可 。”
英 [tr?n?send?nt] 美 [tr?n?send?nt]
"This is a momentous honor reserved for one of the greatest champions to ever play the game," Tamika Tremaglio, NBPA executive director, said in a statement announcing the news.
NBPA执行董事Tamika Tremaglio在宣布这一消息的声明中提到:“这是一项重大荣誉,留给了有史以来最伟大的冠军之一 。”
"Bill's actions on and off the court throughout the course of his life helped to shape generations of players for the better and for that, we are forever grateful. We are proud to continue the celebration of his life and legacy alongside the league," Tremaglio added.
Tremaglio补充说:“比尔在场上和场下的表现帮助塑造了一代又一代的球员,我们对此永远心存感激 。我们很自豪能继续与联盟一起庆祝他的一生和遗产 。”
legacy:英 [?leɡ?si] 美 [?leɡ?si]
The league is not only retiring Russell's number, but also plans to honor the five-time MVP by having a commemorative patch emblazoned on the right shoulder of the teams' jerseys, while all courts will display a clover-shaped logo with the No. 6 on the sideline near the scorer's table.
联盟不仅将拉塞尔的号码退役,还计划在球队球衣的右肩上装饰一块纪念补丁,以纪念这位五届最有价值球员,而所有球场都将在得分台附近的边线上展示一个三叶草形状的标志,在它的旁边还有6号字样 。
clover:英 [?kl??v?(r)] 美 [?klo?v?r]
Russell is the most successful player in NBA history and was the first Black head coach in the league.
Russell是NBA历史上最成功的的球员,并且还是第一位黑人教练 。
The decision to permanently retire his number is similar to that of Major League Baseball, who did the same for baseball trailblazer Jackie Robinson in 1997.
永久退役的决定类似于1997年美国职业棒球大联盟(Major League Baseball)对棒球先驱Jackie Robinson的决定 。
英 [?tre?lble?z?(r)] 美 [?tre?lble?z?r]
【CNN英语新闻––NBAoeieBillRussell\u0026#39;sNo.6jesey ba历史之最英语】