用英语介绍中国天下第一泉BesSpigihewold 2 用英语介绍世界之最

虎跳峡 tiger leaping gorge

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen!
My name is Hare,
I am your tour guide today!
Welcome to the “Best Spring in the world”Scenic Area of Jinan!
Jinan “Best Spring in the world” Scenic Area is composed of
“one river-the moat;
one lake-Daming Lake;
three Springs including Baotu spring, Black Tiger Spring and Five-dragon Pond Spring;
four Parks including Baotu Spring Park, the city Ring Park, Five-Dragon Pond park and Daming Lake Scenic Spot.”
天下第一泉景区由一河(护城河)一湖(大明湖)三泉(趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭三大泉群)四园(趵突泉公园、环城公园、五龙潭公园、大明湖风景区)组成 。
The whole Scenic Area covers a total area of 3.1(three point one) square kilometers,
By integrating the unique natural landscape
and rich historical and cultural heritage.
it is a national 5A Scenic spot
and also an embodiment of humanities landscape of Jinan,
the city of Springs.
整个景区总面积3.1平方公里,景区独特的自然景观和深厚的历史文化底蕴于一体,是国家5A级风景区,也是泉城济南人文景观的体现 。
The most famous three spring groups of Baotu spring,
Black Tiger spring and Five-dragon Pond spring are all located in side the Scenic Spot.
最著名的三大泉群-趵突泉、黑虎泉和五龙潭泉群,即坐落于景区中 。
Now Jinan“Bast Spring in the World”Scenic Area mainly consists of the Baotu spring park,
the Li Qingzhao Memorial Hall,
the Guanlan Pavilion and Luoyuan Hall,
the Ten Thousand Bamboo Garden,
the Five Dragon Pool Scenic spot,
Daming Lake,
Lixia Pavilion,
the Memorial of Lord Tie,
the Beiji Temple,
the Nanfeng Memorial Hall,
the Chaoran Tower,
the city Ring Park and some other buildings.
目前,天下第一泉景区由趵突泉公园、李清照纪念堂、观澜亭和泺源堂、万竹园、五龙潭公园、大明湖、历下亭、铁公祠、北极阁、南丰祠、超然楼、环城公园等组成 。
Let us enjoy the unique charms of the City of Springs in this tour of lakes,springs,rivers and city!让我们在这湖、泉、河、城的旅行中感受泉城独特魅力吧!
2. the Baotu spring park趵突泉公园概况
星光夜市Starlight Night Market
Ladies and gentlemen,
now we arrive at the Baotu Spring Park.
The park is located in the bustling downtown area of Jinan,
【用英语介绍中国天下第一泉BesSpigihewold 2 用英语介绍世界之最】to the north of Daming Lake,
and to the east of Quancheng square,
It is a famous cultural Park themed on springs and landscaps.
and one of the first key National Park.
女士们、先生们,现在我们来到的是趵突泉公园,位于济南市中心的繁华地段,大明湖以北,东与泉城广场连接,趵突泉公园是以泉水为景观为主的文化公园,也是首批重点国家公园之一 。
Baotu Spring ranking top of the 72 (seventy-two) famous spring in Jinan,
Is Known as the “Best Spring in the world”,
and also is the earliest famous spring in Jinan mentioned in ancient literature.
趵突泉位居济南七十二名泉之首 。被誉为“天下第一泉”,也是最早见于古代文献的济南名泉 。
Zeng Gong,
one of the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties,
named this spring as “