
aeroplane 基本解释
aeroplane 网络解释
1. 飞机:而直升机(helicopter)和飞机(aeroplane)也都来自于法文,那还是飞机问世前的19世纪中叶,毕竟当时法国在航空探险方面走在最前面,否则也不会有巴黎国立工艺博物馆(Musée des Arts et Métiers)里陈列的那些怪物了.
2. aeroplane的解释
2. 飞机 says 说(用于第三人称单数):visit 参观 give 给 | aeroplane 飞机 says 说(用于第三人称单数) | computer 电脑 gameboy 手掌游戏机
3. aeroplane
3. 欢迎:wagon 货车 | welcome 欢迎 aeroplane | abacus 算盘
4. (正式):plane(非正式) | aeroplane(正式) | I have to fly. 我必须得走了.
aeroplane 双语例句
1. aeroplane是什么意思
1. The'.''Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr.
哈特费尔德·普芬是一架时髦的飞机,但设计'' 。
【aeoplae是什么意思|aeoplae的音标|aeoplae的用法】2. The Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr.
3. This article introduces the design and realization of the aeroplane electrical measuring and controlling terminal based on a high performance DSP of TMS320F2812 and a kind of RTOS of μC/OS-II.
介绍了基于新型高性能DSP芯片TMS320F2812和嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-II的飞机电气测控终端的设计与实现,该终端已被用于先进飞机配电系统的地面实验系统中 。
4. Aerodynamical parameters in longitudinal model of a certain type of aeroplane are identified in the paper.
论文研究了利用参数辨识方法确定飞机纵向运动模型参数的问题,在分析飞机特性的基础上选取了飞机纵向小扰动线性运动状态方程和纵向非线性运动方程作为辨识的模型,以某型飞机飞行试验实测数据为例对其进行数据预处理之后辨识了模型中的气动参数 。
5. The'taxi'is a small Swiss aeroplane called a'Pilatus Porter'.
波特号 。这架奇妙的飞机可以载7名乘客 。
6. aeroplane的解释
6. I will go to aerodrome and pick you, when did your aeroplane arrived.
7. The machine which was used had an engine developing only sixteen horse-power but the aeroplane reached a speed of 24 miles an hour.
他们所使用的飞机有一台功率只有 15 马力的发动机,但其速度达到 24 英里/时 。
8. aeroplane的近义词
8. A flying boat is an aeroplane that can land on water.
飞船是能在水上降落的飞机 。
9. CLEARWAY 2, A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.
二号净空道,是在有关当局管辖的地面或水域内一个界限明确的长方形区域 。在这个选定的合适区域内,飞机可完成初始爬升的一部分,上升到一个指定高度 。
10. That Whitehead built a steam-powered aeroplane while living in Pittsburgh is not in doubt, he did.
即白石建成了蒸汽动力的飞机,而生活在匹兹堡是毋庸置疑的,他没有 。
11. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.
飞机为你提供非凡的,令人惊诧不已的地球景色 。
12. aeroplane的翻译
12. Then prototype aeroplane was excogitated to validate the result. finally, the experimental waves of the prototype are given
在此基础上进行了实验样机的研制,并在该样机上进行调试,文中最后给出了试验波形 。
13. Finally laser prototype aeroplane to the needs of clinical surgery will be developed, and it will be expected to be a reference section or a successful example for others of its class.