

马永鹏【马永鹏】马永鹏,1982年12月生,研究员 。中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究领域植物引种驯化与保护生物学 。目前主要从事重要观赏植物类群的自然杂交、物种间的生殖隔离及其遗传学基础方面的研究 。
研究领域目前主要从事重要观赏植物类群的自然杂交、物种间的生殖隔离及其遗传学基础方面的研究;同时利用天然杂交后代做种质资源保护与利用方面的工作 。目前发表论文 40 余篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI研究论文近30篇,包括:Annals of Botany, American Journal of Botany, BMC Plant Biology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, AOB Plants等植物学主流期刊;Biodiversity and Conservation, Oryx 等国际保护生物学主流期刊;GigaScience, Scientific Reports (Nature 出版集团),Plos One等国际综合期刊;2016年应邀作为国际植物学主流期刊Frontiers in Plant Science的编委会成员(Review Editor);主持包括国家自然科学基金在内的项目8项;作为主要参与人,获得 2011年度云南省科技进步一等奖1项;同时获得多个国家发明专利授权,且2个国家发明专利为第一发明人;主编专着1部、参编专着3部 。个人简历9/2005-至今,硕博连读,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,硕博连读 。2010.5-2010.11,瑞士VitaPlant公司研究实习员 。2011.01-2013.12 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,助理研究员;2014.01-2015.12中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副研究员;2016.01-至今 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究员;2017.01-至今 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,硕士研究生导师;科研项目情况1.国家自然科学基金:两杜鹃花的不对称杂交及其种质资源利用;2.云南省基金:两种报春花属植物的自然杂交研究;3.云南省基金:两种杜鹃花的自然杂交及其新品种选育;4.所级实验室青年基金:两种杜鹃花的自然杂交研究及其园艺利用;5.国际合作:大树杜鹃的保护生物学研究6.国际合作:漾濞槭的种群调查与回归 。7.国家林业局:杜鹃花的DUS测试指南8.辰山专项:鼠尾草属植物的自然杂交及其利用研究学术成就① Ma YP, Xie WJ, Tian XL, Sun WB, Wu ZK, Milne RI (2013). Unidirectional hybridization and reproductive barriers between two heterostylous primrose species in NW Yunnan, China. Annals of Botany 113: 753 -761.② Ma YP, Xie WJ, Sun WB, Marczewski T (2016). Strong reproductive isolation despite occasional hybridization between a widely distributed and a narrow endemic Rhododendron species. Scientific Reports 6: 19146.③ YQ Jin , Ma YP* , S Wang , XG Hu , LS Huang , Y Li , XR Wang, JF Mao (2016) Genetic evaluation of the breeding population of a valuable reforestation conifer Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae). Scientific Reports 6: 34821.④Ma YP, Zhou RC, Milne R (2016). Pollinator-mediated isolation may be an underestimated factor in promoting homoploid hybrids peciation. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1183.⑤Marczewski T, Ma YP*, Sun WB (2016) Evaluation of RFID tags to permanently mark trees in natural populations. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1342. (*co-first author)⑥ Liao RL, Ma YP*, Gong WC, Chen G, Sun WB, Zhou RC, Marczewski T (2015). Natural hybridization and asymmetric introgression at the distribution margin of two Buddleja species with a large overlap. BMC Plant Biology 15: 146 (*co- first author)⑦ Lin S, Li NW, Wang SQ, Zhou YB, Huang WJ, Yang YC, Ma YP*, Zhou RC (2016) Molecular evidence for the hybrid origin of Ilex dabieshanensis (Aquifoliaceae). PLOS ONE 11: e0147825. (*corresponding author)⑧ T Marczewski, YP Ma*, XM Zhang, WB Sun, AJ Marczewski (2016) Why is population information crucial for taxonomy? A case study employing a hybrid swarm in Rhododendron and related described varieties. AOB Plants 8: plw070.⑨ Ma YP, Chen G, Grumbine ED, Dao ZL, Sun WB, Guo HJ (2013). Conserving plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) in China. Biodiversity and Conservaion 22: 803-809. ⑩ Ma YP, Neilsen J, Chamberlin D, Li XY, Sun WB (2014). The conservation of Rhododendrons is of greater urgency than has been previously acknowledged in China. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 3149-3154.? Zhao XF, Ma YP*, Sun WB, Wen XY, Milne RI (2012). High genetic diversity and low differentiation of