精英教育天花板全球最贵欧洲王室最青睐的国际学校瑞士萝实学院 小班世界之最

瑞士萝实学院(Institute Le Rosey)一直占据着世界最贵私立学校排行榜榜首,每年学费高达400多万人民币 。这里的学生都在学什么呢?全世界最贵、瑞士最古老的私立学校里面究竟过着怎样的生活呢?
Most private high schools in the world are characterized by extremely high academic and co curricular standards.
世界上大多数私立高中都具有极高的学术和课外活动标准 。
They really groom their students for excellence.
他们可以把学生培养得很优秀 。
This is also why they are reasonably more expensive than regular public high schools.
这也是为什么私立高中比普通公立高中要来得昂贵 。
The most expensive private high school in the world, Institut Le Rosey, really is the stuff of dreams.
世界上最昂贵的私立高中,萝实学院,简直是梦幻学院 。
Located in Rolle, Switzerland, this school was founded in 1880 and is one of the oldest schools to ever exist in Switzerland.
这所学校位于瑞士罗勒,成立于 1880 年,是瑞士现存最古老的学校之一 。
Not only this, the school has two campuses,
one located in the Cháteau du Rosey estate in Rolle built in the 14th century and the other campuses located in chalets in the ski resort of Gstaad.
一个位于罗勒的萝实庄园,建于 14 世纪,另一个校区则位于格施塔德的滑雪胜地 。
Sounds pretty grand already, doesn't it?
Curious to find out more about this high school?
Keep watching this video!
Institut Le Rosey has been built and designed for the richest of the rich,
a year's tuition fee in this place cost around 108,900 Swiss Francs.
此学院一年的学费大约是 108,900 瑞士法郎 。
Yes, you heard that right.
对,你没听错 。
That's around a whopping $119,729 a year.
这大约是每年 119,729 美元的天价 。
But clearly some people can afford it since the school has an average of at least four candidates competing for one seat during their admission cycles.
但显然有些人负担得起,因为这个学校的竞争名额是平均四名候选人竞争一个席位 。
As you might have deduced already, this high school is only for the global elite.
正如你可能已经推断出的那样,这所高中只为全球精英服务 。
This is why it's no surprise that some of their notable alumni include the Shah of Iran, Prince Rainier of Monaco, King Farouk of Egypt, and King Albert of Belgium.
这就是为什么该学院的著名校友包括伊朗国王、摩纳哥王子雷尼尔、埃及国王法鲁克和比利时国王阿尔伯特也就不足为奇了 。
Le Rosey prides itself on being the oldest boarding school in the world and for grooming and educating hundreds of individuals that went on to create such a profound impact on the world.
萝实学院以身为世界上最古老寄宿学校,以及培养数百名对影响世界深远的人而感到自豪 。
Around 30% of the students who graduate from this high school go on to be accepted by the top universities in the world.
从这所高中毕业的学生中,约有 30% 会接着进入世界顶尖大学 。
This includes the Ivy Leagues and MIT.
包括常春藤联盟和麻省理工学院 。
The school itself is divided into two campuses.
学校本身分为两个校区 。
The main campus is located between Geneva and Lausanne.
主校区位于日内瓦和洛桑市之间 。
It is a huge estate and stretches around 28 hectares of land.
那是个巨大的庄园,占地约 28 公顷 。