精英教育天花板全球最贵欧洲王室最青睐的国际学校瑞士萝实学院 小班世界之最( 三 )

This is a Great Hall, which has the capacity to seat around 900 people.
这是个能容纳约 900 人的大礼堂 。
All large ceremonies take place here and the children often perform for guests, including their parents.
所有大型仪式都在这里举行,学生们经常会为嘉宾表演,这包括学生父母 。
As far as sports is concerned, Le Rosey provides their children the chance to indulge in over 25 different kinds of sports.
就运动而言,萝实学院提供超过 25 种不同运动项目选择 。
These include swimming, tennis, cricket, football, and volleyball.
这些活动包括游泳、网球、板球、足球和排球 。
The school has various basketball courts, two swimming pools, tennis courts, beach volleyball pits, and two gyms for their students.
学院拥有多个篮球场、两个泳池、网球场、沙滩排球场及两个学生体育馆 。
They also have private riding stables with over 20 horses of the finest breed and health.
他们还有私人马场,拥有 20 多匹最优质、健康的马匹 。
Children are given regular riding classes as part of their curriculum.
作为课程的一部分,学生们会定期参加骑术课程 。
If this wasn't enough.
如果这还不够豪华 。
The school also built a nautical center for their students at Lake Geneva.
学校还在日内瓦湖为学生建造了一个水事中心 。
Students can go there to practice rowing, and also unwind at a spa designed for them.
学生可以去那里练习划船,也可以在专为他们设计的水疗中心放松身心 。
Le Rosey is perhaps the only high school in the world that has spa days for students.
萝实学院可能是世上唯一一所有水疗日的高中了 。
At their winter campus in Gstaad, the students are encouraged to participate in ice hockey.
在位于格施塔德的冬季校区,校方鼓励学生们参与冰上曲棍球 。
The Le Rosey ice hockey team is pretty great and has been winning various championships since 1948.
萝实学院的冰球队十分不错,自 1948 年以来不段赢得多项冠军 。
Dinner and lodging at Le Rosey are as grand as everything else.
萝实学院的晚餐和住宿也一样豪华 。
Dinner is a formal event that takes place every day at 7:30 sharp.
每天晚上 7:30 整开始的晚餐属于正式活动 。
To encourage humility and work ethic and students, Le Rosey has them rotating as waiters and staff during dinner time.
为了培养学生谦逊和职业道德,萝实学院学子会在晚餐时间轮流担任服务生和工作人员 。
【精英教育天花板全球最贵欧洲王室最青睐的国际学校瑞士萝实学院 小班世界之最】The meals are prepared by in house chefs and include the finest and most delicious ingredients for students.
膳食是由内部厨师准备的,包括为学生提供最优质、美味的食材 。
Sometimes, there are study halls, lectures, or concerts that take place after dinner, but usually students are required to retire to their dorms.
有时,晚饭后也会有自习、讲座或音乐会,但通常学生得回到宿舍休息 。
The dorms are absolutely gorgeous, spacious rooms with separate beds, study tables, and cute lamps.
宿舍也超级华丽、宽敞,配有独立床、书桌和可爱的台灯 。
The dorms at Le Rosey look comfortable and inviting.
萝实学院的宿舍看起来既舒适又温馨 。
And how can we forget the amazing view from the dorm room windows?
It overlooks the mountains and lush greenery and is absolutely heavenly.
俯瞰群山和郁郁葱葱的植被,绝对是天堂般的景色 。
Despite the high fee they charge and the way they schedule and restrict their students lives, Le Rosey is a revolutionary institution.