

外文名:The creative wisdom of Wang Chuanfu
内容简介作为又一中国首富,王传福以独树一帜的电池研发技术打败日本电池厂商、以独特的“人海战术”切入电动汽车领域,成为中国数一数二的高科技富豪 。在大多数人埋头製造的中国,他如何以出人意料的“创新”赢得世界最前端的科技竞争?李大千着的《王传福的创新智慧(英文版)》深入分析了王传福的创业经历和企业管理实践,以创新为切入点,解读王传福的技术革新理念和管理哲学,值得广大製造企业管理者借鉴 。图书目录Part I Groundwork for Innovation-"One, Slow; Two, Notice; Three, Implement" CHAPTER 1 "One-Slow"-From Eureka Tactics to Strategic Synergy CHAPTER 2 "Two-Notice"-View the Entrprise at Hand; Watch Future Mariners in the Distance CHAPTER 3 The Three Implementations-Product Determination, Personnel Training and Sale Initiatives 1. Product Determination 2. Personnel Training 3. Sales Initiatives Part II Creative Wisdom-Refining the Five Masterful "Arts" CHAPTER 4 DeVelopmental Innovation-Changing from "Diverse" to'Complementary' under the Kangaroo Model 1. Find Out the "Effective Radius" of Multi-Innovation 2. Four Codes for Deciphering Successful Diversification CHAPTER 5 Management Innovation-"Family Culture" Achieves Soft Power for Enterprise CHAPTER 6 Marketing Innovation-Six "Sea Strategies" for World-Class Bulldozers CHAPTER 7 Cost Innovation-Using 18 Kinds of Chinese Kungfu to Squeeze Water From a Towel CHAPTER 8 Strategy Innovation-Vertically Integrating the Auto-Industry Chain Part III Innovation Pitfalls-Colorful Lights at the Crossroads CHAPTER 9 Red Pitfall-How Far Is You Company from Security? 1. Getting Away from Patent Risks 2. Fierce Patent Battles: All Technology is a Paper-Tiger CHAPTER 10 Green Ptfall-How Far Are Your Products from the Future? 1. Find Out the "Second Curve" of a Company 2. Electric Cars: "The Second Curve" of BYD in the Future CHAPTER 11 Pitfall-How Far Are Your Products from the Terminal End? 1. From "Terminal War" to "Terminal Strategy" 2. Consumers' "Button": Details of BYD's Success CHAPTER 12 The BLack Pitfall-How Far Are You from the Innovative Spirit? CHAPTER 13 Purple Pitfall-How Far Are You from Marketing Innovation? 1. Customer Value is the Core of Innovation 2. Chinese Philosophy in BYD's Marketing Innovation