朗文英语发音词典【朗文英语发音词典】《朗文英语发音词典》一书的出版社是商务印书馆,作者是(英)J C Wells,出版时间是2005-05-01 。
作者:(英)J C Wells
尺寸:21.6 x 15.3 x 3.7 cm
作者简介J.C.Wells occupies the Chair of Phonetics in the University of London. He was born in Lancashire in 1939. Both at school and as an undergraduate at Cambridge he specialized in Classics,but switched to phonetics as a postgraduate at University College London,where he became a member of the academic staff in 1962. There he teaches English phonetics,both to native speakers and to EFL learners,as well as general phonetics and phonology and the phonetics of various other languages.内容简介《朗文英语发音词典》(精装)“朗文词典”是世所公认的品牌词典,自出版以来,一直深受世界各地读者的青睐 。2004年,商务印书馆与培生教育出版集团亚洲有限公司达成协定,决定在中国内地联合推出“朗文词典系列”,即《朗文当代英语大辞典》(Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture)、《朗文英语发音词典》(Longman Pronunciation Dictionary)、《朗文无师自通英语词典》(Longman Wordwise Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语词典》(Longman Pocket English Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语联想词典》(Longman Pocket Activator)、《朗文袖珍英语短语动词词典》(Longman Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语习语词典》(Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary)等 。其中,《朗文当代英语大辞典》最具影响力,它把英语学习词典与百科全书功能合二为一,全球首创 。媒体评论书评《朗文英语发音词典》的创新之处在于,作者在大量调查研究的基础上对英式英语和美式英语的使用现状做出了客观的描述,因此其权威性优于同类其他词典 。商务印书馆决定在我国出版此书,对广大英语教师(特别是教授英语发音和口语的教师)及想要出国留学又担心自己的发音不够“地道”的人士将是一个福音,它有益于我国英语学习者学会当代的英语发音 。同时,该书还为我国英语教材编写和英语词典编纂中对于词语发音的标注提供了一部不可或缺的参考文献 。目录Key to phonetic symbols for English inside front cover出版前言代序Index to notes on pronunciation and phoneticsAcknowledgementsA quick guide to the dictionaryForeword to the second edition1 Introduction1.1 Variants1.2 Inflected and derived forms1.3 Proper names1.4 Compounds and phrases1.5 Spelling1.6 Homophones1.7 Opinion polls2 Types of pronunciation recorded2.1 British pronunciation - RP2.2 Other varieties of British English2.3 American pronunciation - General American3 The English phonemic system and its notation3.1 Vowels and diphthongs3.2 Consonants3.3 Stress3.4 Transcription systems3.5 Syllabification3.6 Phonological processes in speech4 Foreign languages4.1 Names4.2 Transcriptions5 Symbols5.1 Phonetic symbols5.2 Other symbolsThe Dictionary A-ZAbbreviationsTypographical conventions,stress marks,other inside back coversymbolsSpelling-to-sound guidelines (grapheme-to-phoneme rules) for each letter of thealphabet are distributed throughout the dictionary,each at the head of the entriesbeginning with that letter.(See also DOUBLE CONSONANT LETTERS; SHORT VOWEL,LONG VOWEL.)Notes on pronunciation and phoneticsAffricatesArticulationAspirationAssimilationAustralian EnglishBreaking Citation form,dictionary entry and connectedspeechClicksClippingCoarticulationCombining formsCompounds and phrasesCompressionDiphthongsDouble consonant lettersDouble consonant soundsElisionE-mail and the WWWGlottal stopHard attackLiquidsNeutralizationOptional soundsPhoneme and allophoneR-liaisonShort vowel,long vowelSpelling pronunciationStressStress shiftSyllabic consonantsSyllablesT-voicingVoiced and voicelessWeak formsWeak vowels
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