send的过去式send send的过去式 send过去式形式

该资料为本人总结的知识点的浓缩,每个知识点配有例句,便于学生 快速掌握八年级下册(1~3)单元知识点 。九年级的学生复习 八年级下册(1~3)单元知识点也是非常好的材料 。(中考知识点持续发布中,敬请期待 。需要该资料电子版,点击“关注”,点赞后发私信给我即可 。)
八年级下册重点知识1.What's the matter\the trouble\wrong with sb\sth?某人\某物怎么了?What's the matter\the trouble\wrong with you,Tom?汤姆,你怎么了?
I has a cold我感冒了 。
2. should (情态动词,应该),后跟动词原形We should help him.
(一般疑问句)Should you help him? Yes,we should.\No, we shouldn't.
(否定句) We shouldn't help him.
(划线提问)What should you do?
3. without(没有),后跟名词或doingWe can't finish the work without his help.
(名词,帮助)没有他的帮助,我们不能完成这项工作 。
He went to school without having breakfast.
(动词,have)他没有吃早饭就去上学 。
4. expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事We expect him to help us.我们期待他帮助我们 。
5. agree with sb同意某人(的观点、意见等)Do you agree with him?你同意他的意见吗?
agree to do sth同意做某事He agreed to go shopping with us.他同意和我们一起购物 。
6. thanks to+名词\代词\doing:幸亏,由于Thanks to the book,I can pass the exam.
(book,名词,书)幸亏这本书,我通过了这次考试 。
Thanks to getting up early,he got to school on time.
(get,动词)幸亏起得早,他按时去上学 。
7.have trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难He has trouble (in) reading the book.他读这本书有困难 。 interested in +名词\代词\doing:对…感兴趣He is interested in English,but he isn't interested in speaking English.(English为名词,speak为动词)他对英语感兴趣,但是对说英语不感兴趣 。
9. be used to+名词\代词\doing:习惯于…,适应于…I'm used to getting up early.我习惯早起 。
He is used to hot weather.他适应热的天气 。
10. because of+名词\代词\doing:因为because+句子:因为He was late for school bacause he got up late.
他因起晚而上学迟到 。(because后为句子)
= He was late for school bacause of getting up late.
(because of后为动词get)
11. be ready to do sth准备做某事,乐意做某事He is always ready to help other.他总是乐于助人 。
12. mean doing sth:意味着… This means losing the basketball game.这意味着比赛失败 。
13.keep on doing sth:继续或坚持做某事He kept on reading English after a rest.在休息了一会后,他继续读英语 。
14. make a decision (to do sth) =decide to do sth决定做某事He made a decision to visit Beijing.他决定去访问北京 。
= He decided to visit Beijing.
15. give up doing sth:放弃做某事Don't give up your dream.不要放弃你的梦想 。
His father gave up smoking.他的爸爸戒烟了 。
16. hope to do sth希望做某事 hope (that)+句子:希望…They hope to visit Beijing one day.他们希望有一天去参观北京 。
= They hope that they can visit Beijing one day.
17. put off doing sth:推迟做某事He has put off going home.他已经推迟回家 。
18.make a plan to do sth= plan to do sth计划做某事 (plan过去式为planned)He made a plan to learn English.他制定了计划学习英语 。
19. lonely(形容词,常放在be\feel后)孤独的,寂寞的alone (副词,常放在实义动词后)独自,单独地He lives alone in the room(副词alone修饰动词live),but he doesn't feel lonely. (形容词lonely放在感官动词后作表语).他单独住在这个房间里,但不感到寂寞 。
20. see sb do sth:看见某人做了某事see sb doing sth:看见某人正在做某事I saw him read English this morning.今天早晨我看见他读英语了 。
I saw him playing basketball.我看见他正在打篮球 。
21. be busy with sth忙于某事be busy doing sth 忙于做某事She is busy with his homework.
= She is busy doing his homework.她正忙着做作业 。
22. stop to do sth停止正在做的事去做另一件事He stopped to read.他停下来去读书 。
stop doing sth停止停止正在做的事Please stop talking.请停止说话 。(stop过去式stopped)
23. send sb sth=send sth to sb送给\寄给某人某物 (send的过去式为sent)He sent me a pen.= He sent a pen to me.他送给我一直钢笔 。
24. Could you please do sth? :你可以做某事吗:请求别人帮助时常用此句型 。肯定回答,常用Sure\Certainly\Of course.否定回答,常用Sorry, … 。一般不用no开头 。
Could you please help me with the housework?请你帮我做家务活好吗?
Sure\Certainly\Of course\Sorry,Im busy now.