help是什么意思汉语 help是什么意思 help中文叫什么

help是什么意思汉语 help是什么意思 help中文叫什么


(1).vt.帮助,通常用help sb.with sth.或help sb.(to) do sth.形式.如:
He always helps with the housework.
他总是帮着做家务 。
Jo will help us with some of the organization.
乔将帮我们做一部分组织工作 。
The college&39;s aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations.
大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负 。
This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves.
这个慈善机构的宗旨是帮助人们自力更生 。
She helped (to) organize the party.
她协助筹备了晚会 。
This should help (to) reduce the pain.
这个应有助于减轻痛楚 。
带to的不定式动词结构常省略to,非正式英语和英语口语中尤其如此 。
Come and help me lift this box.
来帮我抬这个箱子 。
Can I help?要我帮忙吗?Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗?(向顾客主动提供帮助时的用语,与上一句在语境、功能上不一样.) Would you like me to help you?要我帮忙吗?We are going to help Mrs.Li (to) clean the house.我们要去帮李太太打扫房间.They helped me with my lessons yesterday.昨天他们帮我做功课.(2).vt.敬(客人),给……夹菜(或斟饮料等),如:
Can I help you to some more salad?
May I help you to some more fish?再吃些鱼好吗?
~ yourself/sb (to sth)
为(自己 / 某人)取用
Please help yourself to the fruit.请吃水果.
help oneself to sth
(informal, disapproving) 擅自拿走;窃取 to take sth without permission
同义词: steal
He&39;d been helping himself to the money in the cash register.
他一直在偷现金出纳机中的钱 。
【help是什么意思汉语 help是什么意思 help中文叫什么】Has somebody helped himself to some film star&39;s diamonds?
(3).n.帮助 Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助.I&39;m going to ask for his help.我将请求他给予帮助.You were a great help to me.你对我有很大的帮助.It wasn&39;t of much help to me.这对我没有多大帮助.
Quick, get help!
She screamed for help.
她高声喊救命 。

help [help] vt.帮助; 辅助; 援助 救济; 补救 治疗 促进,助长 [仅用于词组can [can&39;t,couldn&39;t] help]阻止; 避免 进食于...分配(食物等) I&39;ll not give you any trouble if I can help it.我要是想得出办法,就不会来给你添麻烦了.help [help] vi.帮助; 辅助; 援助 开饭上菜 H -!救命!Every little help s.[谚]点点滴滴,全有助益.help [help] n.帮助; 救助; 救济 帮手,助手 佣人; 家仆 医治 lady help 侍女 mother&39;s help 家庭保姆
give/lend a helping hand
help sb off/on with sth
帮某人脱 / 穿衣服
Let me help you off with your coat.
我来帮你脱大衣吧 。
help out帮助某人摆脱(困境)
He&39;s always willing to help out.
他总是急人之难 。
When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan.
我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱解了急 。
be of help 有用的,有益的,
Do you need any help with that?
Can I be of any help to you?
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends.
她在家人和朋友的帮助下戒了烟 。
come to one&39;s help 来帮某人的忙 no help for it 没法避免H-Wanted 招聘广告 with the help of 在...的帮助下,借助 be helped up with [口]为...所累(I couldn&39;t run to catch the bus,as I was helped up with a lot of parcels.我因为拿着许多大包?没法跑去赶公共汽车.) be of help to the help of 得到..的帮助 cannot help (doing) 不禁,忍不住,不得不 cannot help but 不能不,不得不(I cannot help but be sorry.我不能不感到遗憾.) cannot help oneself 情不自禁; 不能自制 come to sb.&39;s help 赶来帮助某人 come to sb.&39;s aid 赶来帮助某人 come to sb.&39;s assistance 赶来帮助某人 give a helping hand 助一臂之力 God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者.I can&39;t help it.我实在控制不住; 这不能怪我.It can&39;t be helped.[口]无可挽回!more than one can help [用于否定句]过份,太多 Don&39;t spend more money than you can help 除非不得己,不要多化钱.There is no help for it 无法可想; 无可挽回.with the help of 在...帮助下 with a help of 在...帮助下 help forward 促成[进] help along 促成[进] help oneself to [口]随意取用[取食] 擅自取用; 私自占有; 偷 help sb.down 把某人搀扶下来 help with 帮某人脱 去(衣服等) help sb.on with 帮某人穿上(衣服等)