英语marry me什么意思 marry me什么意思中文( 三 )

be good at“擅长”,
be impatient at“对……不够耐心”,
be mad at“狂热于”,
be pleased at“对……感到高兴”,
be present at“出席”,
be satisfied at“满意”,
be surprised at,
be shocked at,
be terrified at,
be quick at
4. at + 名词:
at a distance,
at a loss,
at a time,
at all,
at any cost,
at best“最多,充其量”,
at first,
at hand“手头”,
at heart“在内心里”,
at home,
at last,
at least,
at most“最多”,
at once,
at present
at any time
5. 动词+against
brush against 触到,擦及
declare against 表态
fight against 反对,与……做斗争
guard against 提防
hit against 碰撞
inform against /on 告发,检举
insure against 给……保险
lean against 倚,靠,依靠
protect against 抗议
rail against /at 咒骂,严厉责备,抱怨
react against 反对,反其道而行
side against 反对
vote against 投票反对
6、 动词+for
account for 说明……原因,解释
act for 代理
aim for 瞄准;打算,企图;致力,旨在
allow for 考虑到
apologize for 为(某事)道歉;为(某事)表示歉意
appeal for 呼吁,恳求
apply for arrange for申请
arrest sb. for 为……做准备
ask for 要求(得到);自己招惹(麻烦等)
beg for 请求得到 bid for 出价,竞价
blame sb. for 因……而责备某人
budget for 编预算,为……做安排
charge …for 索价,收费
cheer for 为……欢呼,为……喝彩
criticize for 因……批评
declare for 表示支持
depart for 动身前往……
die for 渴望,切望
dig for 搜寻,探究,细查
exchange …for 以……换
excuse … for原谅
feel … for 摸索,寻找
file for 提出
forgive sb. for 因……而宽恕(或原谅)某人
7、 动词+from
arise from (由……)引起,(由……)产生,起源于
ban … from 禁止……做……
bar … from 阻止……做
benefit from 受益,得到好处
come from 来自
date from 追溯到
depart from 背离,违反
derive from 起源于,衍生于
descend from 起源于,是……的后裔
die from 因……而死亡
differ from 与……不同
discourage … from 劝阻……做
dismiss .. from 开除,解雇棵;打消(想法等)
distinguish … from 区别,把……与……区分开来
draw … from 提取(钱款);汲取(教训等)
eliminate … from 将……从……中排除
emerge … from 出现,产生于
escape from 从……逃跑(或逃走)
exclude …from 把……从……排除在外
8. 动词 + … on …
1)动词 + on:
act on“对……有作用”,
bring on“促使;导致”,
call on,
count on,
carry on,
depend on,
feed on,
figure on“料想;推断”,
go on,
have on,
insist on,
keep on,
lean on“依赖”,
live on“以……为生”,
pull on“迅速穿上”,
put on,
switch on“接通(电源)”,
take to,
turn on“接通(电源)”,
work on,
wait on“侍侯”
base on,
congratulate on,
fix on
spend on
2)动词 + sb(sth) + on + sb(sth):
have mercy on,
have pity on,
keep watch on,
3) be + 形容词 + on:
be dependent on“依赖”,
be hard on,
be impressed on“对……印象深刻”,
be keen on“渴望”,
be strict on“对……严格”
4)on + 名词:
on board“乘(车、飞机)”,
on call“听候召唤”,
on duty,
on earth,
on fire“着火”,
on foot,
on guard,
on hire“受雇”,
on holiday
8. out of 常见短语:
out of trouble 摆脱麻烦
out of danger 脱离危险
out of one’s mind 精神不正常,失去理性
out of touch 失去联系
out of tune 跑调
out of work失业,下岗
out of one’s reach 力所不及,够不着 (=beyond one’s power/reach )
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦
out of curiosity 出于好奇
out of gratitude (for sb. ) 出于(对……)的感激
out of concern (for sb. ) 出于关心
out of Shakespeare 出自莎士比亚
out of hearing 在听不见的地方
out of patience 不耐烦
out of character 不称,不适当
out of sight 看不见