双面胶成分,双面胶成分怎么写( 三 )

首创铁磁软体导丝机器人,并遥控巡航复杂血管网络 Science Robotics, 4, eaax7329 (2019)首创可食用水凝胶电子并用来长期监测核心体征 Nature Communications, 10,493 (2019) 首创可拉伸水凝胶电子 Advanced Materials 28, 4497 (2016)首创液压水凝胶驱动器和机器人 Nature Communications, 8, 14230 (2017)首创超高拉伸水凝胶光纤 Advanced Materials, 28, 10244 (2016)首次实现各种医疗仪器上的超韧水凝胶涂层 Advanced Healthcare Materials,6,1700520 (2017); Advanced Materials, 1807101 (2018)首创并3D打印可拉伸生命器件 (stretchable living devices)PNAS, 114, 2200 (2017);Advanced Materials, 1704821 (2017)首次应用力学失稳得到人工粘膜 PNAS, 115, 7503 (2018)综述
定义水凝胶生物电子学(hydrogel bioelectronics) Chemical Society Review, 48, 1642 (2019)系统阐述水凝胶增强 (high strength)的机理 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 8138 (2017)系统阐述多种水凝胶增韧(high toughness)的机理 Soft Matter, 10, 672 (2014)点击https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1710-5查看论文原文 。