重庆模具厂排名,重庆有多少家模具公司( 六 )

4)每个模具的加工状态都要仔细跟踪,确保数据准确全面,并记录在电脑系统中 。让任何有权限的管理员都可以通过计算机系统了解每个模具的完成情况 。
目前,一些公司使用基本工资+工时奖金来计算工资 。优点是可以提高员工的积极性,有效提高生产产量 。但是,它的缺点是不能保证模具的质量 。The heart is not , so thisofmolds is not .
Someuse basic++pay to, but the ratio ofpay needs to be ,too high nor too low.pay will lead to low, andwill not be able to workhours.work will be left to workat night, which willa lot ofpay, which will lead to a lot of labor costs for the , but too lowpay will also causeto not want to workat all, such asto work , theofThe focus will, and theandwill, so the ratio ofpay needs to find a.
Nohow good theandareand , it is waste paper. Teamis very , andare very rare. In order to makeand grow, theandofareinto theof . Thesesomeofandwithandwork . , themust have a,withbeand paid,with poorbe, and theof themust have clearand , so that thecan.
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【重庆模具厂排名,重庆有多少家模具公司】郑重声明:本文版权归原作者所有,转载文章仅出于传播更多信息之目的 。如果作者信息标注有误,请尽快联系我们修改或删除,谢谢 。