我构想我能达到的境界,我能成为什么样的选手 。我深知我的目标,我集中精力,到达那里 。
Iwhat ambit I can reach, what kinds ofI can , know my goal, Ito get there.
我从来不关心输掉一场大赛会有什么后果 。为什么?因为当你顾及后果时,你总是想到消极悲观的一面 。
I never care about theof the match when I lose it, why? Theis very , you will,when youthe .
有的人在失败的恐惧面前止步不前,因为看到别人的挫折甚至仅仅是不够圆满 。他们或是担心前景不好,或是忧虑窘迫不堪 。
will stop his step after beingby ,they found other’ or just , then they began to worry about their.
对我而言,此生若要成就一番事业,就必须敢做敢当 。我会不避艰险,孜孜以求 。
As for me , if you want toyour . you mustwhatdo , I will face.
悲观消极,怨天尤人,成就不了什么气候 。决然前行,努力追求,何必多虑!任何畏惧都是虚幻——你以为前面荆棘丛丛,实际上都是纸老虎,有的只是机遇,要你执著不懈,争取成功 。
You can never dowhen youblameandbut not, Don’t need to think too much,just go, make greatto , Any fear just istheof a shade, you think youtoo many thorn, but they just paper tiger, there have manyto,what you have to do isto your goals.
即使到头来未能尽如人意,我起码不会思前想后,因为我毕竟有尝试的勇气 。失败只是让我下次加倍努力罢了 。
theis not what you want ,but I cantheI ,alsoI haveto try it. Theonly makes me greattotime.
我的建议就是——乐观积极的思考,从失败中寻找动力 。
My: think , find thefrom the .
有时候,失败恰恰正使你向成功迈进了一步 。一次次的尝试也许未能奏效,但越来越逼近答案 。世界上的伟大发明都经历过成百上千次的挫折和失误才获得成功 。
makes a great step to ,it don’t have anytimesto time ,but you can make close to the , The greatofhaveof timestheand.
我认为畏惧多数来自缺乏专注 。
I think most of their fear from the lack of focus.
如果我站在罚球线上,脑中却想着有1000万观众在注视着我,我可能会手足无措 。所以我努力设想自己是在一个再熟悉不过的地方,设想自己以前每次罚篮都未曾失手,这次也会同样发挥我训练有素的技术 。
If I stand on the free-throw line, but the brain think of that 10me, and I may be loss. , Itoin averyplace, never beenfree , also this times I will be well- .
不必担心结果如何,你知道自己不会失手 。于是放松、投篮,出手之后一切就成定局,所以又何必顾虑重重 。
我说到做到 。
Don’t need to worry about the , you are aware that you will not be . , shots, shots on aafter all, and whyto doso.
I did what I have said.
我对平时训练和正式比赛一视同仁,决不厚此薄彼 。因为你不能期望训练中的马马虎虎会给以后的比赛带来佳绩 。
I takeand the same race , not .nota so-soin thewill bring.
有多少人临阵磨枪,说到做不到?这正是他们失败的原因 。他们信誓旦旦要尽其所能,说的天花乱坠,做的也煞有介事 。可一旦事到临头就措手不及,他们就到处找借口推诿敷衍 。
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