决不放弃-迈克尔.乔丹-中英文对照( 二 )

How manystart toat the last , when it comes to do? Thisthefor their . They vowed to do theirdo , what they said was given andone all. Onceto beon , they will find an.
要知道,成功的崎岖之路,困难和艰险对谁都是均等,不留情面 。
Weknow that the road to,andtoequal to .
然而你不必因此踯躅不前 。要是前面有一堵墙,不要折回头去放弃努力 。要想办法爬过去,超越过去,即使撞倒它也不要回头 。
But you do not need to. don’t need to fold back tohave a wall in front of you, Trypast, gothe past, even if it will not hit back.
【决不放弃-迈克尔.乔丹-中英文对照】I swear to God, I, , and,?, and never give up!