卫兰演唱歌曲 goodbye

卫兰演唱歌曲 goodbye

goodbye(卫兰演唱歌曲)【卫兰演唱歌曲 goodbye】《Goodbye》是卫兰演唱的一首歌曲,收录于专辑《My Love》中,发行于2005年11月25日 。
所属专辑:My Love
歌曲歌词I can see the pain living in your eyes望着那痛苦的双眼,And I know how hard you try知道你已挣扎了太久,You deserve to have so much more你的确值得更好的人啊;I can feel your heart and I sympathize明白你的心也可怜自己,And I'll never criticize而你永不会知晓,all you've ever meant to my life我曾视你如命;I don't want to let you down不想看你为难,I don't want to lead you on也不想左右你,I don't want to hold you back更不想把你从梦想之地,From where you might belong硬生生地拉回来;You would never ask me why无须多问,My heart is so disguised我要掩饰的心事太多,I just can't live a lie anymore再也无力隐瞒了;I would rather hurt myself宁愿自己心痛,Than to ever make you cry也不想看你哭泣,There's nothing left to say沉默相对,but good-bye只剩再见 。You deserve the chance at the kind of love你适合更好更温暖的爱,I'm not sure I'm worthy of而我怀疑自己不是那对的人,Losing you is painful to me失去你会令我心碎,I don't want to let you down但我不想看你为难,I don't want to lead you on也不想左右你的思想,I don't want to hold you back更不想把你从应属之地,From where you might belong硬生生地拉回来 。You would never ask me why无须多问,My heart is so disguised要掩饰的心事太多,I just can't live a lie anymore我已不想在隐瞒了,I would rather hurt myself宁愿让自己受伤,Than to ever make you cry也不愿让你哭泣啊,There's nothing left to say能给你的,but good-bye只剩再见了 。You would never ask me why无须多问,My heart is so disguised要掩饰的心事太多,I just can't live a lie anymore无力再去隐瞒了,I would rather hurt myself比起看你流泪,Than to ever make you cry宁愿自己心痛,There's nothing left to try不必多说了,Through it's gonna hurt us both比起彼此伤害,There's no other way than to say good-bye不如珍重地说一句再见吧 。