beautiful boy

beautiful boy【beautiful boy】《beautiful boy》是John Lennon演唱的一首歌曲 , 收录于2010年发行的《Home Tapes》专辑中 。
基本介绍外文名称:beautiful boy
所属专辑:Home Tapes
歌曲原唱:John Lennon

beautiful boy

歌曲歌词英文歌词Close your eyes闭上双眼Have no fear不要害怕The monster's gone怪物走了He's on the run and your daddy's here他逃跑了 而你的爸爸在这儿Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Before you go to sleep在你入睡之前Say a little prayer我会祈祷Every day in every way不管每天会怎幺样It's getting better and better你的生活都会越来越好Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Out on the ocean sailing away準备从海洋上航行I can hardly wait我都等不及To see you come of age想看到你成年But I guess we'll both just have to be patient但是我想我们都需要有足够的耐心‘Cause it's a long way to go因为这是一个很长的路要走A hard row to hoe很艰难Yes it's a long way to go是的 这是一段很漫长的道路But in the meantime同时Before you cross the street在你过马路之前Take my hand抓紧着我的手Life is what happens to you你的生活中发生了什幺While you're busy making other plans当你忙于其他计画Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Before you go to sleep在你睡觉之前Say a little prayer我会一直祈祷Every day in every way不管每天会怎幺样It's getting better and better你的生活都会越来越好Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful漂亮的 , 漂亮的 , 漂亮的Beautiful boy漂亮男孩Darling,darling,darling亲爱的 , 亲爱的 , 亲爱的Darling Sean亲爱的肖恩