

中国当代小说选读【中国当代小说选读】《中国当代小说选读》一书的出版社是华语教学出版社,出版时间是第1版 (1992年1月1日) 。
出版时间:第1版 (1992年1月1日)
正文语种:简体中文, 英语
作者简介编者:刘镰力 (美国)李又安Liu Lianli is currently an associate professor at the Beijing Language Institute .After graduation from the Department of Chinese at Nankai University in1964,she worked as an editor for Drama Circle,a newspaper published by the Chinese Dramatist Association.李又安,Adele Rickett began her study of classical Chinese literature in the 1940s.After receiving an M. A. in CkimeseStudies from the University of Pennsylvania in 1948, she went to China as a Fulbright scholar to study at Qinghua University and later at Yenching University. In 1967 she received a Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and taught Chinese language and literature there for 12 years.内容简介《中国当代小说选读(高级汉语阅读)》内容简介:Selected Readings of Chinese Short is an advanced Chinese reader compiled by teachers of Chinese from China and the United States of America.This book consists of selections from five contemporaryChinese writers whose recent works reflect the manyfacets of life in actual Chinese society. These works,written in highly diverse styles, are imbued with both asense of the rhythm of the times and the special characteristics of Chinese rhetoric. The editorial style aims to suitthe needs of non-native speakers of Chinese. Each lessonis accompanied by explanations of words and phraies,grammar notes, and a variety of exercises. A multi-usevocabulary index, and exercise answer key, and a tableof grammar terminology are also provided. The texts aremarked with line numbers, and examples are keyed tothe line and page numbers of the texts. The vocabularylist and all examples are translated into English. Vocabulary words are accompanied by pinyin, unsimplified Chi-nese characters, and the part of speech. This book is aworthy tool both for teaching Chinese in a classroom envi-ronment and for those readers who enjoy independentlystudying and researching Chinese language and litera-ture.目录前言语法术语及注释用语辞彙表1.按拼音排列2.按汉字笔画排列第一课 班车Introduction课文辞彙表词语例解:象、却、由、不仅、、顺便、曾、·就、竟、连也/都、甚至、本来、总、惹、当、什幺语法注释:定语“的”字短语练习第二课 遍地月光叶尉林(64)Introduction课文辞彙表词语例解:根本、不禁、任何、仿佛、怎幺、以、原来、正、了又、一下子、从来、所、之所以是因为语法注释:“被”字句“是的”句(一)结果补语练习第三课 也是一个中年Introduction辞彙表词语例解:既然、这一下、阵、可惜、凭、人家、好象、即使、既、难道、说不上、吃亏、白、怪、简直、临语法注释:“是的”句(二)连动句兼语句复指成分插说练习第四课 心灵在倾听李尔钢(217)Introduction课文辞彙表词语例解:一面一面、终于、可、硬、几乎、稍、显得、到底、一直、沿、老、显然、无论、多幺、关係、顺、而语法注释:多项状语语气助词“的可能补语练习第五课美国专家Wesmoi朱定(287)Introduction课文辞彙表词语例解:打、带、不是而是、跟、果然、不过、经过、嫌、为了、其实、反正、给、就是、倒、儘管、嘛语法注释:趋向补语练习附录语法注释总表部分练习答案辞彙索引