

英语套用能力考试备考试题详解【英语套用能力考试备考试题详解】《英语套用能力考试备考试题详解》内容简介为:《英语套用能力考试》介绍了三部分:第一部分是大纲和样题 。便于考生对这个考试有个整体的把握,以确定考试重点和备考方向 。第二部分是备考试题 。针对“听力理解”、“辞彙用法与语法结构”、“阅读理解”、“翻译”、“写作”5种题型,分别配备了10套备考试题 。这些备考试题是严格按照大纲的要求、以真题为依据精心设计的 。而且所有的题目都配备了详尽的解析 。这些解析既给出了题乾的翻译 。又点明了解题技巧,还讲述了相关英语知识点,这样学生不仅可以“知其然”,而且可以“知其所以然” 。通过这一部分 。学生可以有针对性地逐项突破 。第三部分是最新真题 。《英语套用能力考试》特别提供了2007年的4套最新真题(A级2套 。B级2套) 。考生在单项训练之后,做几套真题,可以把握考试的最新动向 。对自己的水平进行最后的评估和考前最后的冲刺 。
ISBN:7563717609, 9787563717606
内容简介《英语套用能力考试备考试题详解》是由旅游教育出版社出版的 。图书目录第一部分 大纲和样题/1 高等学校英语套用能力考试大纲/3 高等学校英语套用能力考试大纲(A级)/3 高等学校英语套用能力考试大纲(B级)/ 5 高等学校英语套用能力考试(A级)样题/ 7 高等学校英语套用能力考试(A级)样题听力材料及参考答案/17 高等学校英语套用能力考试(B级)样题/21 高等学校英语套用能力考试(B级)样题听力材料及参考答案/30 第二部分 备考试题 听力理解(ListeningComprehension)备考试题/35 ListeningComprehensionTest0rle(B级)/35 TestOne听力材料及答案/37 ListeningComprehensionTestTwo(B级)/38 TestTwo听力材料及答案/39 ListeningComprehensionTestThree(B级)/40 TestThree听力材料及答案/41 ListeningComprehensionTestFour(B级)/42 TestFour听力材料及答案/43 ListeningComprehensionTestFive(B级)/44 TestFive听力材料及答案/45 ListeningComprehensionTestSix(B级)/46 TestSix听力材料及答案/48 ListeningComprehensionTestSeven(A级)/49 TestSeven听力材料及答案/51 ListeningComprehensionTestEight(A级)/53 TestEight听力材料及答案/54 ListeningComprehensionTestNine(A级)/56 TestNine听力材料及答案/58 ListeningComprehensionTestTen(A级)/60 TestTen听力材料及答案/61 辞彙与结构(Vocabulary&Structure)备考试题/64 Vocabulary&StructureTestORe/64 TestOne答案解析/65 Vocabulary&StructureTestTw0/67 TestTwo答案解析/68 Vocabulary&StructureTestThree/69 TestThree答案解析/71 Vocabulary&StructureTestFour/72 TestFour答案解析,73 Vocabulary&StructureTestFive/75 TestFive答案解析/76 Vocabulary&StructureTestSix/78 TestSix答案解析/79 Vocabulary&StructureTestSeven,81 TestSeven答案解析/82 Vocabulary&StructureTestEight/83 TestEight答案解析/84 Vocabulary&StructureTestNine/86 TestNine答案解析/87 Vocabulary&StructureTestTen/89 TestTen答案解析,91 阅读理解(ReadingComprehension)备考试题/93 ReadingComprehensionTestORe、/93 TestOne答案解析/97 ReadingComprehensionTestTwol100 TestTwo答案解析/104 ReadingComprehensionTestThreel107 TestThree答案解析/111 ReadingComprehensionTestFour/115 TestFour答案解析/118 ReadingComprehensionTestFive/122 TestFive答案解析/126 ReadingComprehensionTestSix|129 TestSix答案解析/133 ReadingComprehensionTestSeven|136 TestSeven答案解析/140 ReadingComprehensionTestEight/144 TestEight答案解析/148 ReadingComprehensionTestNinel151 TestNine答案解析/155 ReadingComprehensionTestTen|158 TestTen答案解析/162 翻译(Translation)备考试题/166 TranslationTest0lqe|166 TestOne答案解析/167 TranslationTestTwO/167 TestTwo答案解析/168 TranslationTestThree|169 TestThree答案解析/170 TransitionTestFour|170 TestFour答案解析/171 TranslationTestFivel172 TestFive答案解析,172 TranslationTestSix|173 TestSix答案解析/174 TranslatiOilTestSeven|174 TestSeven答案解析,175 TranslationTestEight|176 TestEight答案解析/177 TranslationTestNine|177 TestNine答案解析/178 TranslationTestTen|179 TestTen答案解析/179 写作(Writing)备考讲解及备考试题/18l 备考讲解(1):便条/181 备考讲解(2):简历/183 备考讲解(3):书信/185 备考讲解(4):通知/191 WritingTestOne备忘录/193 WritingTestTwo投诉信/194 WritingTestThree通知/195 WritingTestFour感谢信/196 WritingTestFive致歉信/197 WritingTestSix祝贺信/199 WritingTestSeven邀请信/200 WritingTestEight个人简历/201 WritingTestNine求职信/203 WritingTestTen广告/204 第三部分 最新真题/207 2007年12月(A级)真题/209 2007年12月(A级)真题听力材料及参考答案/219 2007年12月(B级)真题/223 2007年12月(B级)真题听力材料及参考答案/232 2007年6月(A级)真题,235 2007年6月(A级)真题听力材料及参考答案/245 2007年6月(B级)真题/249 2007年6月(B级)真题听力材料及参考答案/259文摘any carelessness on an applicant's part can draw a negative reaction from readers. Each companyor organization usually uses its own specially designed form that, although it generally asks for thesame basic information, may vary in detail. Consequently the suggestions below apply mainly tothe approach you should take rather than suggest what you should write. When visiting future employers, always carry your personal data record with you so thatyou can readily search for details such as dates, telephone numbers, and other usefulinformation. Treat every application form as though it is the first one you are completing —— writecarefully and neatly. Use words that describe the responsibility and different aspects of each job you have heldrather than list only the duties you performed. Particularly describe social activities that show your involvement in the community, oractivities in which you held a teaching or coaching role. Pay particular attention if there is a section on the form that asks you to comment on howyour education and past experience have especially prepared you for the poison. Think this through very carefully before you write so that what you say shows a naturalprogression (进展) from past experience to the job you are applying for. If you can, and if theyfit naturally, add a few words to demonstrate how the position fits your overall career plan. 41. The first sentence of the passage means that A) you may have to fill in a long application form B) the filling up of an application form takes much time C) one may have to fill in many application forms before one gets a job D) application forms should be filled carefully, with no misleading 42. Although all application forms demand the same basicinformation, A) different companies may have different requirements B) different companies may take different attitudes toward them C) applicants may be required to answer all the questions in detail D) applicants may have to send in the forms by person 43. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage? A) Your personal data record is more important than the interview itself. B) You should put all your personal data record in the application form. C) Your personal data record will be of much help to your interview. D) You should write your personal data as clearly and neatly as possible. 44. When writing about the duties you have been engaged in, you should A) put down the names of your colleagues B) describe the nature of the duties C) relate them to other major duties D) describe what responsible positions you have held 45. Which of the following would be the best TITLE of the passage? 序言“高等学校英语套用能力考试”(PRACTICAL.ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES)自2004年实施以来,在全国的影响力越来越大,成为测试高等职业教育、普通高等专科教育英语教学和学生英语水平的重要工具 。为了帮助考生了解考试题型,把握考试重点 。解决考试难点,我们专门编写了这本《英语套用能力考试备考试题详解》 。本书共分为以下三个部分: 第一部分是大纲和样题 。便于考生对这个考试有个整体的把握,以确定考试重点和备考方向 。第二部分是备考试题 。针对“听力理解”、“辞彙用法与语法结构”、“阅读理解”、“翻译”、“写作”5种题型,分别配备了10套备考试题 。这些备考试题是严格按照大纲的要求、以真题为依据精心设计的 。而且所有的题目都配备了详尽的解析 。这些解析既给出了题乾的翻译 。又点明了解题技巧,还讲述了相关英语知识点,这样学生不仅可以“知其然”,而且可以“知其所以然” 。通过这一部分 。学生可以有针对性地逐项突破 。第三部分是最新真题 。本书特别提供了2007年的4套最新真题(A级2套 。B级2套) 。考生在单项训练之后,做几套真题,可以把握考试的最新动向 。对自己的水平进行最后的评估和考前最后的冲刺 。广大师生在使用本书的过程中,如发现任何问题或者有任何建议,请发邮件至,我们定会及时回复,并在修订时予以纠正和完善 。这些疑问和建议对我们来说非常宝贵,在此提前表示感谢 。