2014年清华大学出版社出版书籍 软体工程专业英语

软体工程专业英语(2014年清华大学出版社出版书籍)【2014年清华大学出版社出版书籍 软体工程专业英语】《软体工程专业英语》是由2014年清华大学出版社出版书籍,出版时间是2014年12月 。
书籍信息作者:吕云翔定价:39.50元印次:1-2ISBN:9787302363613出版日期:2014.12.01印刷日期:2016.02.29内容简介本书是按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,以一个大学本科二年级学生Kevin与他的同学在一个酒店管理信息系统的实际项目中进行专业实践、直至经过求职面试进入一个IT企业工作为线索,将IT行业中所需的英语“听、说、读、写、译”基本技能与项目从开始到结束的整个流程有机融合起来,同时涉及云计算、移动网际网路、大数据、物联网、社交网路、基于位置的服务、通用计算图形处理器、比特币、三维列印和谷歌眼镜等相关知识 。本书包括10个单元,每个单元都分为听与说、读与译以及写作部分 。听与说部分描述了软体开发的技术场景;读与译部分给出了软体工程及IT相关的文章;写作部分则重点介绍如何撰写技术/商务文档和技术报告等 。图书目录Unit 1 Starting a Software Project启动软体项目 1Part 1 Listening & Speaking 1Dialogue: Starting a Software Project 1Listening Comprehension: Software Engineering 3Dictation: Mythical Man-Month & No Silver Bullet 4Part 2 Reading & Translating 5Section A: Software Engineering 5Section B: Cloud Computing云计算 9Part 3 Simulated Writing: Memo 12Unit 2 Capturing the Requirements需求获取 16Part 1 Listening & Speaking 16Dialogue:Communication with Customers 16Listening Comprehension: Software Requirements 18Dictation: The Difference between Customer and End-User 19Part 2 Reading & Translation 19Section A: Software Requirements 19Section B: Mobile Web移动网际网路 23Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Requirements Specification 27Unit 3 Planning the Project项目计画 63Part 1 Listening & Speaking 63Dialogue: Software Project Planning 63Listening Comprehension:Software Project Planning 65Dictation: Four Variables in Projects 66Part 2 Reading & Translating 67Section A: Software Project Plan 67Section B: Big Data大数据 71Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Project Plan 74Unit 4 Working in a Team团队合作 94Part 1 Listening & Speaking 94Dialogue:Team Structure 94Listening Comprehension: Project Team 95Dictation: Agile Software Development 96Part 2 Reading & Translating 97Section A: Team Structure 97Section B: The Internet of Things物联网 101Part 3 Writing: PowerPoint Presentation 104Unit 5 Designing the System系统设计 109Part 1 Listening & Speaking 109Dialogue:Software Design 109Listening Comprehension: Software Design 110Dictation: User Interface Design 111Part 2 Reading & Translating 112Section A: Software Design 112Section B: Social Networking社交网路 117Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Design Specification 120Unit 6 Implementing the System系统实现 159Part 1 Listening & Speaking 159Dialogue:Creating High-Quality Code 159Listening Comprehension: Writing the Code 161Dictation: Concentrate on the Vital Few, Not the Trivial Many 162Part 2 Reading & Translating 163Section A: Computer Programming 163Section B: Location-based Service 基于位置的服务 169 Part 3 Simulated Writing: Progress Report 172Unit 7 Testing the System系统测试 177Part 1 Listening & Speaking 177Dialogue:Software Testing 177Listening Comprehension: Software Testing 178Dictation: Smoke Test 179Part 2 Reading & Translating 180Section A: Software Testing 180Section B: GPGPU通用计算图形处理器 184Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Test Specification 188Unit 8 Delivering the System系统交付 201Part 1 Listening & Speaking 201Dialogue:Software Deployment 201Listening Comprehension: Software Delivery 202Dictation: Bug & Debugging 203Part 2 Reading & Translating 205Section A: Software Maintenance 205Section B: Bitcoin 比特币 209Part 3 Simulated Writing: User Guide 213Unit 9 Taking an Interview参加面试 220Part 1 Listening & Speaking 220Dialogue: Interview 220Listening Comprehension: Expansion Company 222Dictation: Software Configuration Management 223Part 2 Reading and Translation 224Section A: Careers for Computer Professionals 224Section B: 3D Printing 三维列印 229230Part 3 Simulated Writing: Resume 233Unit 10 Beginning Your Work开始工作 237238Part 1 Listening & Speaking 237238Dialogue:Beginning Your Work 237238Listening Comprehension: The Organizational Structure of a Company 239240Dictation: Open Source Movement 240241 Part 2 Reading and Translating 241242Section A: The Organizational Structure of a Company 2421Section B: Google Glass谷歌眼镜 245246Part 3 Simulated Writing: Business E-mail 249250Glossary(辞彙表) 253254Abbreviation(缩略语表) 273274Reference of Translation(参考译文) 277278Answers(练习答案) 332337Bibliography(参考文献) 348353