胡泽春【胡泽春】胡泽春,四川大学数学学院博士,四川大学数学学院教授 。
人物经历学习经历2001.9-2004.6: 四川大学数学学院, 机率论与数理统计(博士)1999.9-2001.7: 四川大学数学学院, 运筹学与控制论(硕士,提前攻读博士)1995.9-1999.7: 四川大学数学学院, 套用数学(学士)工作经历2015.7.16 至今:四川大学数学学院,教授2014.1-2015.7.15: 南京大学数学系,教授2006.7-2013.12: 南京大学数学系,副教授2004.12-2005.10:Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Concordia University, Canada, 博士后2004.7-2006.6: 南京大学数学系,讲师科研项目· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014.1-2017.12,50万,主持· 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2012.7-2015.6,10万,主持· 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2009.1-2011.12, 17万,主持· 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金,2007.1-2007.12, 3万,主持人才培养已毕业研究生:洪和静,赵雨舟(2009);姜彬(2010);杨文伟,崔振,徐康(2011);陈中华,杨彦芝,郑双明(2012);叶本利,黄楠(2013);周玲,梁超,严小丹,王振玲,叶鍅,吴安勤(2014);张少华,向梅花,王雅丽(2015)在读研究生: 范莹莹,魏良宵,黄俊俊(2016);周倩倩,赵迪(2017)· 教材:《高等机率论基础及极限理论》,清华大学出版社,2014.入围互动出版网2014年新书排行榜Top7· 2015.9-2016.1: 机率论(数学学院),微积分(吴玉章学院)· Teaching Experience学术兼职· 美国数学会 Mathematical Reviews 评论员, 2007-· 德国 ZbMath 评论员, 2014-研究兴趣狄氏型、马氏过程、非线性滤波学术成果代表论文及着作Ze-Chun Hu, Zhi-Ming Ma: Beurling-Deny formula of semi-Dirichlet forms, C. R. Math.Acad. Sci. Paris, 338(7), 521-526 (2004)."Ze-Chun Hu, Zhi-Ming Ma, Wei Sun: Extensions of Levy-Khintchine formula andBeurling-Deny formula in semi-Dirichlet forms setting, Journal of Functional Analysis, 239(1), 179-213 (2006)."Ze-Chun Hu, Zhi-Ming Ma, Wei Sun: Nonlinear filtering of semi-Dirichlet processes,Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 119(11), 3890-3913 (2009)."Ze-Chun Hu, Zhi-Ming Ma, Wei Sun: On representations of non-symmetric Dirichletforms, Potential Analysis, 32(2), 101-131 (2010)."Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun: Hunt's hypothesis (H) and Getoor's conjecture for Levy processes, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 122(6), 2319-2328 (2012).Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun: Balayage of semi-Dirichlet forms, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 64(4), 869-891 (2012)."Ze-Chun Hu, Ling Zhou: Multi-dimensional central limit theorems and laws of largenumbers under sublinear expectations, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 31(2),305-318 (2015)."Ze-Chun Hu, Zhen-Ling Wang: Jensen's inequality for backward SDEs driven by G-Brownian motion, Archiv der Mathematik, 104, 491-500 (2015).Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun and Jing Zhang: New results on Hunt's hypothesis (H) for Levy processes, Potential Analysis, 42, 585-605 (2015)."Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun: Further study on Hunt's hypothesis (H) for Levy processes,Science China Mathematics, 59(11), 2205-2226 (2016)."Ze-Chun Hu, Yan-Zhi Yang: Some inequalities and limit theorems under sublinear expectations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 33(2), 451-462 (2017). Ze-Chun Hu, Qian-Qian Zhou: Convergences of random variables under sublinear expectations, Accepted by Chinese Annals of Mathematics Ser.B, 2017.Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun: Hunt's hypothesis (H) for the sum of two independent Levy processes,Accepted by Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2018.