
adapt【adapt】adapt是一个英语单词,可以用作动词,可以翻译为改编、改写,等等 。
解释[英][??d?pt][美][??d?pt]vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to);vt.改编,改写;改变…以适合(for);第三人称单数:adapts过去分词:adapted现在进行时:adapting过去式:adapted例句1.And we adapt continuously over time."随着时间推移,我们会不断自我适应 。”2.Japanese manufacturers are renowned for the irability to improvise and adapt in thef ace of the adversity日本厂商一向以擅于适应逆境、擅于在灾难中随机应变而闻名 。3.We need to adapt an devolve to survive.我们需要适应生存和发展的需要 。4.Schools and other educational institutions can access knowledge repositories directly at no cost and adapt content to their needs.学校和其他教育机构可以不花钱就直接访问知识宝库并且改编内容满足他们的需要 。5.Some firms have learnt to adapt.一些工厂已经学会了适应 。