罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天

罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天

野百合也有春天(罗大佑歌曲)《野百合也有春天》台湾着名音乐人罗大佑1982年所创作的歌曲 。
【罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天】电影《野雀高飞》主题曲 , 原唱罗大佑 。潘越云 , 殷正洋、苏芮、孟庭苇、永邦、林志炫、阿桑、阿鲁阿卓、水木年华、小娟&山谷里的居民等多名歌手翻唱 。
外文名称:wild lily possess spring too
音乐风格:爱情 , 哲理
歌曲歌词中文版我爱你想你怨你念你 , 深情永不变;难道你不曾回头想想昨日的誓言 。就算你留恋开放在水中 娇艳的水仙 , 别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里野百合也有春天*******伴奏********彷佛如同一场梦我们如此短暂的相逢你像一阵春风轻轻柔柔吹入我心中 。而今何处是你往日的笑容 , 记忆中那样熟悉的笑容。你可知道我爱你想你怨你念你深情永不变 。难道你不曾回头想想昨日的誓言 。就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙 。别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里 , 野百合也有春天 。从来未曾拥有的总难陷入哀伤和欢愉;从来未曾属于真情的是空幻的物语 。
罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天

《野百合也有春天》曲谱而今当你说你将会离去 , 忽然间我开始失去我自己 。你可知道我爱你想你怨你念你深情永不变 。难道你不曾回头想想昨日的誓言 。就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙;别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里野百合也有春天。别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里 , 野百合也有春天 。粤语版主唱:邝美云专辑:《精选邝美云》寂寞静静如风无言悄悄进入我梦
罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天

《精选邝美云》每晚盼你来假意扮作梦里又重逢可是你象一阵无情的北风吹得心里的热情早冰封无言带走我青春 欢笑 天真 娇俏不再带着笑无边的星空闪闪似是带泪伴我眠如今的春天 冬天 秋天不会有限线无声的心窝早已被寂寞步伐默默的踏遍寂寞静静如风无言悄悄进入我梦每晚盼你来等至夜半倦眼伴泪容要是你愿化作柔情的春风可否将你心内热流再入梦无言带走我青春 欢笑 天真 娇俏不再带着笑
罗大佑歌曲 野百合也有春天

邝美云专辑封面无边的星空闪闪似是带泪伴我眠如今的春天 冬天 秋天不会有限线无声的心窝早已被寂寞步伐默默的踏遍啦...........英文版Like flower in the springOur love has blossom into lifeThe air is filled with love and everlasting happinessLike the birds up in the sky that pass us byFeeling free and nothing can disturb themDon't you know the love I have for you cannot be measure by the hoursLike raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and nightAnd words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down insideNo matters what it takes our love will like forever morn.The love I have for you can not be measure by the hoursLike raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and nightAnd words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down insideNo matters what it takes our love will like forever morn.The love I have for you can not be measure by the hoursLike raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and nightAnd words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down insideNo matters what it takes our love will like forever morn 英文版2Changes作曲:罗大佑作词:罗大佑原唱:苏芮We used to walk hand in handIn the pouring rhythm of the rainWe used to share each other's joysWe used to share each other's painBut somehow things would changeI know you're leavingEvery sign that's telling me you're leavingDon't you know I live I dieI love I cryI breathe and sing for youI love to remember everythingMy love we used to doForever I'll pretend myself thatAlways you're been trueBelieve in the foolish excusesThat I sadly made for youMusicSo that's the way it seems to beWith a melancholy girl like meSo what's the use of lover's vowBefore they see eternityPeople hand in hand lost in confusionCause' when they're face to faceThey see illusionAnd though I know by now you might beHolding someone newAnd doing the thingsMy love we used to doForever I'll pretend myself thatAlways you're been trueBelieve in the foolish excusesThat I sadly made for youAnd though I know by now you might beHolding someone newAnd hurting me by doing the things My love we used to doDon't you know I live I dieI love I cryI breathe and sing for youI love to remember everythingMy love we used to doForever I'll pretend myself thatAlways you're been trueBelieve in the foolish excusesThat I sadly made for you作者简介罗大佑 , (1954年7月20日一) , 台湾省苗栗县的客家人 , 祖籍广东梅州 , 是台湾地区着名的创作歌手、音乐人 , 有“华语流行乐教父”之称 。曾创作并演唱《恋曲1980》《恋曲1990》《童年》《光阴的故事》《你的样子》《鹿港小镇》《爱人同志》《亚细亚的孤儿》《东方之珠》《野百合也有春天》《皇后大道东》《之乎者也》《海上花》《是否》等国语、闽南语、粤语脍炙人口的歌曲 , 对1980年代后期到1990年代初期校园民歌及整个华语流行音乐风格转变有划时代的影响 。罗大佑的歌迷遍布全球各地 , 可见罗大佑的影响之大 。2013年4月 , 担任湖南卫视主推的大型励志音乐类真人秀节目《中国最强音》的音乐导师 。