The wayfaring stranger

The wayfaring stranger【The wayfaring stranger】《The wayfaring stranger》是台湾着名女歌手齐豫演唱的歌曲 , 收录在专辑《云端》 。
基本介绍外文名称:The wayfaring stranger 
歌词I'm just a poor wayfarin' strangertravelin through this world of woether's no sickness toll nor sorrowin that bright world to which I goI'm going there to see my fatherI'm goin' there no more to roamI'm just a goin' over JordanI'm just a goin' over homeYa see I'm a concrete buffalo soldierI gotta chip it's like boulder in my shoulderlook in my eyes and you can see a red marblelike Nostradamus I'm the promise of tomorrowtraveling the city with my mexican cargocotton mouth - I take a dry swallowto the nearest corner watering holethe bartender with the deed for my soulsatisfaction no I can't get nolotsa bad habits that I need to controlrecite the salms but no emancipationchurch for food and liquor stores for salvationsome day I'll makeit home to see my fatherhe saw the man who shot the coal mine's daughterand if I had a dime for every gamble I riskedI could buy a diamond for the woman I miss ya seeI'm just a poor wayfarin' strangerya check with me ya checking in with the dangerI'm just a poor wayfarin' strangerroaming the streets seeking Jesus in a mangerI'm goin' there to see my Mothershe said she'll meet me when I comeI'm just a goin' over Jordan I'm just a goin' over homeJordan river roll river Jordan roll River Jordan roll onGee ain't it funny - how time slips away I wannarewind the tape to see my life replayI soack up the sun - just as a reminderthat I was born a sick side windercall me a vagrant, no machine to read your faxI'll never pledge allegiance to your blood sweat and taxesdon't ever mistake me being docile for contentmentdon't ever mistake my anger for resentmentit's just the calm before the storm that's why I'm quiteya always mistaking an upraising for a race riotyou can take my life - but there's no escape'cause you can't shoot yer way through the pearly gatesso swing low sweet cadillaccoming for to carry me homeswing low pink cadillacstepping over Jordan I roamYa see I'm just a poor wayfarin' strangerya check with me ya checking in with dangerI'm just a poor wayfarin' strangerroaming the streets seeking Jesus in a mangerI'm goin' there to see my fatherI'm goin' there no more to roamI'm just a goin' over JordanI'm just a goin' over homeWhen the road is callin' yonderwhen the road is callin' yonderWhen the road is callin'when the road is callin' yonderI'll be thereI'm goin' there to see my father I'm goin' there no more to roamI'm just a goin' over JordanI'm just a goin' over home歌手简介齐豫(Chyi Yu)(1958年10月17日) , 台湾着名女歌手 , 被誉为“天籁之音” 。祖籍山东 , 籍贯台湾 。母亲为满族.生于台湾台中 , 歌手齐秦为其弟 。1978年出道 。国立台湾大学人类学学士 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校人类学硕士