

语种:简体中文, 英语
基本介绍内容简介《波波乌·神奇图解:国小英语阅读100篇(6年级)》由首都师範大学出版社出版 。作者简介龚明霞 , 北京市中学英语高级教师 , 从事一线教学20余年 , 作风严谨 , 教学亲切 , 其灵动而有趣的教学方式深受学生们的喜爱 。对英语教学有独到的认识与观点 , 提倡按不同年龄阶段的心理认知特点 , 进行不同方式的语言教学 , 并取得了良好的效果 。图书目录Unit1多彩生活 An Alarm Clock The Worst Storm She Is Looking for Me Jim-My Lovely Dog See the Film All Kinds of Movies Bad Luck The Biggest Exam My Busy Weekend Unit2乐趣校园 Three Days to Live The Most Noisy Student Two or Three? tour English Teacher My New Classmates I Don't Know, Either Bad Habits Unit3人物故事 A Day of Ben Interview My Capital Has Been Frozen Sandwich A Good Boy John's Day A Spoiled Boy Unit4趣味故事 Call Me at Seven O'clock. Who Is Drunk? Don't Throw Good Things Away Where Are My Glasses I'll Show You the Way It's too Bad Noise Quarrel for a Comb A Dinner Party A Clever Dog Jack Unit5幽默笑话 The Dog's Dirty Feet Three Turtles The Ship Has Hit the Land A Thank-you Note You're the Fifth Today A Clever Man Has Little Hair Don't Talk at Table! Goldfish A Brown Coat Summer Camp Unit6童话寓言 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse The North Wind and the Sun How Can I Pay You Catch the Moon in the Water A Clever Panda You Will Soon Get Used to It The Lion and the Mouse Unit7知识科普 Watching TV Sleep Water Light and Shadow Hair of Our Body Owls Trains Man's Brain How to Make Your Vocabulary Bigger Can Animals Be Made to Work for Us Unit8风俗风情 Christmas Day I'm Her Father Australia The North of Canada Something About Thailand Two Kinds of Football Games Language Problems in a Foreign Country How to Learn Chinese in US Schools Lucky Numbers Unit9图表题 Amelia's Favourite Class Children's Center TV Programmes Part-time Cleaning Help Name Card Our School Sports Club Unit10小升初·考场篇 In a Pub It Must Be Fake Food Buying Tickets It's No Joke to Start Smoking Sit in the Same Seat Talking in His Sleep Foolish Father and Son It's None of Your Business Unit11竞赛篇 The Sun and the Moon A Clever Man Bad Memory It's Lucky Think of Your Life He Is One of the Professors Why Don't You Blame the Thief? 答案