

新东方·新托福考试阅读特训【新东方·新托福考试阅读特训】《新东方·新托福考试阅读特训》完全按照新托福考试要求进行编写,旨在帮助考生提高阅读专项技能 。书中涵盖了新托福阅读测试的全部题型,并提供了大量的阅读段落和文章供考生练习 。本书引进自培生教育出版集团,经新东方托福专家二次研发,更加符合中国考生的学习特点和需求,是强化新托福考试阅读能力的权威教程 。
基本介绍内容简介新的托福考试,对中国学生的英语能力又提出了更全面的要求,《新东方·新托福考试阅读特训》在内容上把听、说、读、写完美地结合在一起,做到了听中有说、写中有听、读中有写互相融合,达到了事半功倍的效果,本书编写的目的是让同学们掌握新型考试的原理,轻鬆应对新托福考试 。作者简介作者:(韩)李志研 李志研,南加州大学英语教育学硕士,曾任三星、起亚等优秀企业的T0EIC、TOEFL培训师,洛杉矶州立大学TOEIC、GRE、写作课程讲师,2002世界盃组织委员会外景报导组长,路透社韩国世界盃企划部部长 。曾在知名语言学院从事TOEIC、TOEFL线上讲座,编辑、出版过50余本语言学相关教材,现为自由翻译、国际会议主持人,同时经营JI-YEONLEE英语研究所和BOOKCUBE出版社 。图书目录Chapter 1 Paraphrase Sample Topic:Snails-1 Short Passage-1 Topic;Snails-2 Short Passage-2 Topic:Snails-3 Short Passage-3 Topic:Snails-4 Short Passage-4 Topic:Snails-5 Long Passage-1 Topic:The Civil` War Long Passage-2 Topic:The Statue of Liberty Long Passage-3 Topic:Tornadoes ActuaI Test Chapter 2 Square Sentence Insertion Sample Topic:Immune System Short Passage-1 Topic:Mutation Short Passage-2 Topic:Antibiotics Short Passage-3 Topic:Antonymy Short Passage-4 Topic:Misdemeanor Long Passage-1 Topic:Computer Generated Imaging Long Passage-2 Topic:Fred Smith Long Passage-3 Topic:The Declaration of lndependen ActuaI Test Chapter 3 Inference Sample Topic:Sigmund Freud Short Passage-1 Topic:Hudson River School Artists Short Passage-2 Topic:The Olympic Games Short Passage-3 Topic:The Period of Reconstruction Short Passage-4 Topic:Tides Long Passage-1 Topic:The Supreme Court Long Passaoe-2 Topic:Hurricanes Long Passage-3 Topic:Blood ActuaI Test Chapter 4 Details Sample Topic:Information Gathering Short Passage-1 Topic:Pictogram Short Passage-2 Topic:Blood Transfusion Short Passage-3 Topic:World War Two-1 Short Passage-4 Topic:World War Two-2 Long Passage-1 Topic:Eagles Long Passage-2 Topic:Pluto Long Passage-3 Topic:Panama Canal Actual Test Chapter 5 Word & Phrases Sample Topic:Earthquake ’ Short Passage-1 Topic:Evolution shOrt Passage-2 Topic:Marketing Short Passage-3 Topic:Butterfly ‘ Short Passage-4 Topic:Carnivorous Plant Short Passage-5 Topic:Eucalyptus Tree-1 Short Passage-6 Topic:Eucalyptus Tree-2 Short Passage-7 Topic:Eucalyptus Tree-3 Short Passage-8 Topic:Eskimos-1 Short Passage-9 Topic:Eskimos-2 Short Passage-lO Topic:Intranet Long Passage-1 Topic:Earthquake Long Passage-2 Topic:Alamo Long Passage-3 Topic:Henry Ford Long Passage-4 Topic:Alzheimer's Disease Long Passage-5 Topic:Kola Hole Long Passage-6 Topic:DNA Fingerprinting Actual Test Chapter 6 Schematic Table Sample Topic:Greenhouse Effect Long Passage-1 Topic:Information Gathering Long Passage-2 Topic:Pollination Long Passage-3 Topic:Menopause Long Passage-4 Topic:Emotional Intelligence Long Passage-5 Topic:Mosquitoes,Houseflies and the Spread of Disease Chapter 7 Main Idea Sample Topic:Mississippi River Short Passage-1 Topic::Maize Short Passage-2 Topic:Mennonites Short Passage-3 Topic:National Prohibition Act Short Passage-4 Topic:Monroe Doctrine Long Passage-1 Topic:The Louisiana Purchase Long Passage-2 Topic:The Western Long Passage-3 Topic:Teenagers ActuaI Test Chapter 8 Prose Summary Sample Topic:Cancer Long Passage-1 Topic:Plastic Surgery Long Passage-2 Topic:Obesity Long Passage-3 Topic:Schizophrenia Long Passage-4 Topic:The Munich Olympic Games Long Passage-5 Topic:Grace Melvin Long Passage-6 Topic:Karl Marx ActuaI Test Real TOEFL序言众所周知,随着时代的快速发展,托福也採取了新的考试形式 。在美国教授托福达5年之久的我,一直存有这样一个疑问:原有的托福考试是否可以测试出一个考生的真实英语水平?考生取得了满意的托福分数,是否就可以在美国大学里自如地学习了?答案是否定的 。有些考生虽然取得了美国大学所要求的托福分数,但由于听力水平不足,入学以后跟不上课程进度,不能顺利完成上课时要求的报告,因而得到非常低的学分;有些学生由于对自己的英语没有自信,不能在以讨论为主的美国式教育中大胆开口说话,因而只好保持沉默 。同时,他们在现实生活中也遇到了这样那样的问题 。