

邱声祥【邱声祥】邱声祥中国科学院华南植物园天然产物药物化学研究组首席研究员、博士生导师 。中国科学院华南植物园科技特派员 。华南植物园与复大生物科技公司:“植物天然活性成分研究与套用联合实验室”主任 。美国化学会(ACS)、美国质谱学会(ASMS)、美国生药学会(ASP)等学术团体会员 。国家自然科学基金、科技部国际科技合作计画、卫生部科技重大专项课题、广东省自然科学基金等评审专家 。
字号: 号飞林
简介邱声祥(1965—)江西南康人 。号飞林,中国科学院昆明植物研究所硕士学位,1994年赴美国留学,获芝加哥州大学药物博士学位 。

学习与工作经历1985年于江西大学(现南昌大学)本科毕业;1988年于中国科学院昆明植物研究所获植物化学专业硕士学位;1989-1994年在国家医学管理局中国医学研究中心天然药物研究室任助理研究员;1998年于美国伊利诺州立大学药学院获得药学博士学位 。1998-2000年在孟山都(Monsanto)公司任高级研究员,从事新药研发;2000-2002年在华生(Watson)製药公司任首席研究员从事新药研发及质量控制工作;2003-2007年在华盛顿大学化学系任研究员从事天然产物化学及化学生物学研究;2007年11月起任中国科学院华南植物园天然产物药物化学研究组首席研究员、博士生导师 。学术成果主要研究方向为天然药物化学、基于天然产物的创新药物研发、岭南药用植物化学资源的系统研究与综合利用 。主持和参加多个研究项目:3项“十一五重大新药创製”科技重大专项、1项国家自然科学基金、1项广东省“重大新药创製”科技重大专项,科研项目协定总经费超过1000万元 。发表学术论文100多篇,其中包括在Chemistry & Biology、Organic Letters、Tetrahedron Letters等国际期刊上发表SCI论文50多篇,申请国家发明专利3项,参加编写学术专着2部;指导博士后2名、博士研究生4名、硕士研究生4名、国内外进修生6名 。带领研究组在活性天然产物发现、新药研发和功能性化妆品套用方面取得重要进展和阶段性成果:一些具有抗癌、抗HIV/AIDS和降糖减肥活性的天然产物先导化合物,在国家自然科学基金和科技重大专项资助下正进行临床前评估;通过与企业的合作,研发一系列天然产物功能性保健品和化妆品,主持研发的产品疼立消喷剂和中华泡浴粉已成功上市 。研究领域天然产物药物化学和创新药物研究、药用植物化学资源利用与功能性植物产品研发 。社会任职1.中国科学院华南植物园科技特派员 。2.华南植物园与复大生物科技公司:“植物天然活性成分研究与套用联合实验室”主任 。3.美国化学会(ACS)、美国质谱学会(ASMS)、美国生药学会(ASP)等学术团体会员 。4.国家自然科学基金、科技部国际科技合作计画、卫生部科技重大专项课题、广东省自然科学基金等评审专家 。5.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Natural Product Communications、Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry、Fitoterapia、Tetrahedron letters、Phytochemistry、Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine、Chinese Herbal Medicines等期刊审稿人 。获奖及荣誉2008年入选中国科学院“百人计画” 。代表论着1. S. X. Qiu. Natural products regain attention in oncology. Guest Editorial, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2009, 8(5): 383-384.2. K. N. Prasad, J. Hao, J. Shi, T. Liu, J. Li, X. Y. Wei, S. X. Qiu, S. Xue, Y. M. Jiang. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of high pressure-assisted extract of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2009, 10: 413-419.3. K. N. Prasad, H. H. Xie, J. Hao, B. Yang, S. X. Qiu, X. Y. Wei, F. Chen, Y. M. Jiang. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of 8-hydroxypsoralen isolated from wampee [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] Peel. Food Chemistry, 2009, 118(1): 62-66.4. H. Y. Zhang, H. H. Xie, S. X. Qiu, J. H. Xue, X. Y. Wei. Heteroatom-containing antibacterial phenolic metabolites from a terrestrial Ampelomyces fungus. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistr, 2008, 72(7): 1746-1749.5. Q. Gu, X. M. Zhang, J. Zhou, S. X. Qiu, J. J. Chen. One new dihydrobenzofuran lignan from Vitex trifolia. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10(6): 499-502.6. S. X. Qiu, C. Dan, S. L. Peng, L. S. Ding, S. N. Chen, N. R. Farnsworth, M. L. Gross and P. Zhou. 25-Acetylcimigenol xylopyranoside, a triterpene glycoside from Black cohosh, inhibits osteoclastogenesis by modulating RANKL and TNF signaling pathways. Chemistry & Biology, 2007, 14, 860-869. 【Accompanying commentary‘Mending the bones with Natural Products’by G Sethi and Bharat Aggarwal, Chemistry & Biology, 2007, 14: 738-740.】 7. C. Dan, Y. Zhou, D. Ye, S. L. Peng, L. S. Ding, M. L. Gross, S. X. Qiu. Cimicifugadine from Cimicifuga foetida, a new class of triterpene alkaloids with novel reactivity. Organic Letters, 2007, 9(9): 1817-1816.8. L. R. Sun, X. M. Niu, C. Qin, Y. L. Zhang, S. Y. Jian, Z. R. Li, S. J. Pei, M. H. Qiu, S. X. Qiu. Cimicifoetisides A and B, two cytotoxic cycloartane triterpenoid glycosides from rhizomes of Cimicifuga foetida, inhibit proliferation of cancer cells. Beilstein J Organic Chemistry, 2007, 3: 3-8.9. J. Qi, J. J. Chen, Z. H. Cheng, J. H. Zhou, B. Y.Yu, S. X. Qiu. Iridoid glycosides from Harpagophytum procumbens D.C. (Devils’ claw). Phytochemistry, 2006, 67: 1372-1377.10. L. P. Ruan, S. Chen, B. Y. Yu, D. N. Zhu, G. A. Cordell, S. X. Qiu. Prediction of human absorption of natural products by non-everted rat intestinal sac model. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006, 41(5): 606-610.11. L. Pan, P. Zhou, X. F. Zhang, S.L. Peng, L. S. Ding, S. X. Qiu. Skeleton-Rearranged pentacyclic diterpenes possessing a cyclobutane ring from Euphorbia wallichii. Organic Letters, 2006, 8(13): 2775-2778.12. Z. H. Cheng, B. Y. Yu, Y. L. Guo, S. X. Qiu. Microbial hydroxylation of quinovic acid glycoside by Streptomyces griseus ACCT 13272. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2006, 24(1): 95-98.13. C. Chen, M. H. Chiu, R. L. Nie, G. A. Cordell and S. X. Qiu. Curcurbitacins and cucurbitane glycosides: structures and biological activities. Natural Products Reports, 2005, 22: 386-399. 14. Z. Y. Jiang, X. M. Zhang, J. Zhou, S. X. Qiu, J. J. Chen. Two new triterpenoid glycosides from Cyclocarya paliurus. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2005, 8(1-2): 93-98.15. J. Zhang, Z. H. Cheng, B. Y. Yu, G. A. Cordell, S. X. Qiu. Novel Biotransformation of pentacyclic triterpenoid acids by microbe Nocardia sp. NRRL 5646. Tetrahedron Letters, 2005, 46(13): 2337-2340.16. Z. P. J. Lin, S. X. Qiu, L. Shum. Simultaneous determination of glycyrrhizin, a marker component in radix Glycyrrhizae, and its major metabolite glycyrrhetic acid in human plasma by LC-MS/MS. J Chromatography B, 2005, 814: 201-207.17. Z. H. Chen, B. Y. Yu, G. A. Cordell, S. X. Qiu. Biotransformation of quinovic acid glycosides by microbes: Direct conversion of the Ursane to the Oleanane triterpene skeleton by Nocardia sp. NRRL 5646. Organic Letters, 2004, 6(18): 3163-3165.18. S. X. Qiu, R. Z. Yang, M. Gross. Synthesis and LC/Tandem mass spectrometric characterization of the adducts of bisphenol-A (BPA)-O-quinone with glutathione and nucleotide monophosphates. Chem Res Tox, 2004, 17: 1038-1046.19. B. M. Johnson, S. X. Qiu, S. D. Zhang, F. G. Zhang, J. E. Burdette, L. N. Yu, J. L. Bolton, R. B. van Breemen. Identification of novel electrophilic metabolites of Piper methysticum Forst (kava). Chem Res Tox, 2003, 16(6): 733-740.20. J. T. Xie, A. B. Wang, S. Mehendale, J. Wu, H. H. Aung, L. Dey, S. X. Qiu, C. S. Yuan. Anti-diabetic effects of Gymnema yunnanense extract. Pharmacological Research, 2003, 47(4): 323-329. 21. H. J. Zhang, S. X. Qiu, P. Tamez, G. T. Tan, Z. Aydogmus, N. Van Hung, N. M. Cuong, C. Angerhofer, D. D. Soejarto, J. M. Pezzuto, H. S. Fong. Antimalarial agents from plants II. Decursivine, a new antimalarial indole alkaloid from Rhaphidophora decursive. Pharmaceutical Biology, 2002, 40(3): 221-224.22. S. H. Li, H. J. Zhang, S. X. Qiu, X. M. Niu, B. D. Santarsiero, A. D. Mesecar, H. H. S. Fong, N. R. Farnsworth, H. D. Sun. Vitexlactam A, a novel diterpene lactam from the fruits of Vitex agnus-castus. Tetrahedron Letters, 2002, 43: 5131-5134.23. L. Z. Lin, S. X. Qiu, M. Lindenmaier, X. G. He, T. Featherstone, G. A. Cordell. Patuletin-3-O-rutinoside from the aerial parts of Echinacea angustifolia. Pharmaceutical Biology, 2002, 40(2): 92-95.24. H. J. Zhang, Z. Z. Lu, G. T. Tan, S. X. Qiu, N. R. Farnsworth, J. M. Pezzuto, H. H. S. Fong. Polyacetyleneginsenoside-R0, a novel triterpene saponin from Panax ginseng. Tetrahedron Letters, 2002, 43(6): 973-977.25. S. X. Qiu, N. van Hung, L. T. Xuan, J. Q. Gu, E. Lobkovsky, T. C. Khanh, D. D. Soejato, J. Clardy, J. M. Pezzuto, Y. Dong, M. V. Tri, L. M. Huong, H. H. S. Fong. A pregnane steroid from Aglaia lawii and structure confirmation of cabraleadiol monoacetate by X-ray crystallography. Phytochemistry, 2001, 56(7): 775-780.26. H. D. Sun, S. X. Qiu, N. R. Farnsworth, E. B. Lobkovesky, J. Clardy, H. H. S. Fong. Crystal and molecular structures of a natural equimolecular mixture of two epimeric diterpenes from Isodon irrorata. Tetrahedron, 2000, 57(1): 65-70. 27. S. X. Qiu, X. C. Li, Y. S. Xiong, Y .M. Dong, H. B. Chai, N. R. Farnsworth, J. M. Pezzuto, H. H. S. Fong. Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic saponin chloromaloside A from Chlorophytum malayense. Planta Medica, 2000, 66(6): 587-590.相关报导Kava肝毒成分鉴定与毒理学研究取得突破植物药Kava的肝毒作用是近年来的一个热点课题 。Kava(咔哇)为