汉语成语 大雅之堂

汉语成语 大雅之堂

大雅之堂(汉语成语)【汉语成语 大雅之堂】大雅之堂是一个汉语成语,读音dà yǎ zhī táng,意思是形容某些被人看重的、不“粗俗”的事物,高雅的事物;或指高尚雅致的地方 。另有国内作者平阳的文学作品《大雅之堂》 。
外文名: songs be unfit for my halls
解释高雅的厅堂 。比喻高的要求,完美的境界 。不登大雅之堂:进不了文雅高贵的场所 。喻粗俗不文雅而不登大雅之堂的乱弹——皮簧,居然登了大雅之堂 。——瞿秋白《乱弹代序》亦作不登大雅按照老看法,这类书至多只能指示童蒙,不登大雅 。——朱自清《文心序》出处清·袁枚《与陈刺史虚斋》:“诚恐鲰生笔舌;未登大雅之堂;还望刺史陶冶而成全之 。”例句这些不登~的雕虫小技,实无集印之必要,真像鲁迅先生所说的,让它随风而逝吧英文例句
    为什幺不能登大雅之堂?And why should your songs be unfit for my halls?
    这种音乐是登不上大雅之堂的 。This kind music is not appeal to refined temperaments.
    美女经济有着不可告人的目的,登不了大雅之堂 。Beauty economy has ulterior motives, tang could not daiyazhitang.
    一些以前被认为是不登大雅之堂的行业开始受到更多重视 。A number of trades, previously thought of as lowly ones, began to receive more attention.
    执政的非洲国家议会认为画作难登大雅之堂,议会要採取法律行动撤掉该作品 。The ruling african national congress said the painting was disrespectful and sought legal action to have the artwork removed.
    民间流行的歌谣、舞蹈、戏曲、故事等艺术表现形式,通过整理和创新,赋予更高的表现手段,登上大雅之堂 。Folk songs, dances, dramas, tales and other forms of artistic expression have been refined and imbued with new ideas and higher forms of expression for enjoyment by the general public.
    以往难登“大雅之堂”的红薯,近年成为西方女人美容瘦身的首选食物 。Previous ascend hard "in good taste" sweet potato, in recent years become a western woman beauty of the preferred food.
    他的画不仅已登众多大雅之堂,而且走进了寻常百姓家 。His picture has not only already stepped on the halls of numerous elegance but also come into common people's home.
    它虽可用以製作各类服装,但总体档次不高,难登大雅之堂 。Although it available manufactures each kind of clothing, but the overall scale is not high, difficult to ascend the place of refinement.
    斯诺克檯球一时只能是民间的一种娱乐方式,难于登上大雅之堂 。The snooker billiards can only be a kind of folk amusement ways for the moment, it is difficult to mount the hall of the elegance.
    ta虽可用以製作各类服装,但总体档次不高,难登大雅之堂 。Although ta available manufactures each kind of clothing, but the overall scale is not high, difficult to ascend the place of refinement.