刘润球(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员)【中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员 刘润球】刘润球 , 男 , 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员 , 中国科学院理论物理博士学位 。研究方向:数学物理 , 主要研究广义相对论和量子场论相关数学问题 。
地 址:北京中关村东路55号数学院论文论着1. Y.K.Lau and R.P.A.C. Newman, Structure of Null Infinity of Stationary Simple Spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity,10 551 (1993)2. Y.K.Lau,Thermodynamic Critical Fluctuation of Kerr Newman Black Hole, Physics Letters,{ A186} 41 (1994)3. Z.Q.Kuang, Y.K.Lau and X.N.Wu,Einstein Maxwell spacetime with two commuting spacelike Killing vector fields and Newman Penrose Formalism, Communications in Theoretical Physics, (Academic Press, Beijing) 30, 141, (1998)4. Z.Q.Kuang, Y.K.Lau and X.N.Wu, Einstein Maxwell spacetime with two commuting spacelike Killing vector fields and Newman Penrose Formalism, General Relativity and Gravitation { 31}(9) 1327, (1999)5. Y.K.Lau, Strong causality of null infinity of stationary simple spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity, { 17, } 2191 (2000)6. Y.K.Lau and X.N.Wu, On the projective representations of the Bondi-Matzner-Sachs group, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Ser. A. { 457}, 453 (2001)
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