

1、Me in the eyes of the Spring Festival is a ancient customs and traditional festivals, whenever the Spring Festival to, full of beautiful things in eyes of goods on the counter, the pedestrians on the road more and more, people mountain people sea, traffic.
我眼中的春节是有着古代风俗而又传统的节日,每当春节到的时候,柜台上的商品琳琅满目,路上的行人多之又多,人山人海,车水马龙 。
2、Me in the eyes of the Spring Festival is a reunion festival, each to the Spring Festival, people visit family and friends, every family gather together, every family have saved yourself a years food, and share, wine, meat, vegetables... , see table out of the unique flavor, all kinds of food, of course, the guests who also youre welcome, devoured, the whole room is immersed in a warm fragrance, annual lunar calendar people came back to grandma and grandpa, and people together, the dinner, showing a child lovely smiling face and grandparents amiable smile.
我眼中的春节是个团聚的节日,每到春节来的时候,人们走亲访友,家家都欢聚在一起,家家都把自己存了一年的食物拿出来,和大家一起分享,酒、肉、菜……只见桌子上摆出了风味独特,各式各样的饭菜,当然客人们谁也不客气,狼吞虎咽的吃起来时,整个屋子都沉浸在了一种温暖的香味里,大年初二的时候人们都回到了爷爷奶奶那里,和亲人们欢聚一堂,晚宴上,呈现出孩子可爱笑脸和爷爷奶奶和蔼的微笑 。
3、In my eyes a loud at Chinese New Year holiday when it came to pass, when the Spring Festival, is the childrens favorite holiday, I saw the children kick in hand, another hand holding a cigarette lighter, one point one throw, pa! Sweet crisp with interest, absorbed the adults staring at the firecrackers, Brian! In sunny days a few lightning, really loud!
4、Me in the eyes of the Spring Festival holiday is a slip of paper, when it came to pass, when the Spring Festival, he is one of the most auspicious time, he is a symbol of the good fortune, wealth, peace festival, people on both sides of the door labeled couplet about peace in the coming year happiness finds peace in his home, the door in the middle one big happy family, mean blessing coming is really a bustling scene!
5、The Spring Festival is like a lamp, lit up the way forward in life, to warm the cold of the world, he is a good holiday, is a favorite holiday, is a blessing of the festival, said the truth I really want to day before the Spring Festival.
【春节英语作文及翻译范文欣赏】春节象一盏灯,照亮了人生前进的道路,温暖了人间的寒冷,他是一个美好的节日,是一个人们最爱的节日,是一个福气的节日,说心里话我真想天过春节 。