一班两制与教师专业发展【一班两制与教师专业发展】《一班两制与教师专业发展》是2003-年商务印书馆出版的图书 , 作者是袁月梅 。
作者介绍Celeste Yuen is Associate Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. She taught in primary schools for several years before she joined the Institute. Her two higher degrees are both in curriculum studies. Her work includes research on intercultural education, Chinese cross-boundary and new arrived students, special and inclusive education. Her recent research includes a matching grant and special project grant for studying Chinese ethnic minority students and a project entitled provision of consultancy service for a study on pedagogical strategies to enhance learning effectiveness in a small class setting, commissioned by Education Bureau in Hong Kong. She has published in various journals include Teaching and Teacher Education, Compare, Intercultural Education and Pacific-Asian Education (PAE) Journal.https://oraas0.ied.edu.hk/rich/web/people_details.jsp?pid=15052
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