

毛被黑蛋巢菌【毛被黑蛋巢菌】编号NFG-89-40拉丁菌名Melanogaster shanxicnsis Liu? K.Tao et Chang sp. nov.
编号NFG-89-40拉丁菌名Melanogaster shanxicnsis Liu? K.Tao et Chang sp. nov.中文菌名毛被黑蛋巢菌定名人刘 波 李榆梅NomenclaLiu Bo and Tao Kai and Chang Mingchang发表文章黑蛋巢菌属新种和新变种ArticleTwo New Species of Melanogaster from China作者刘 波 李榆梅AuthorLiu Bo and Tao Kai / Chang Mingchang作者单位山西大学生物系, 太原 030006摘要本文报导了黑蛋巢菌属 Cyathus 四个新种和二个新变种, 它们分别是: 内蒙黑蛋 巢菌 Cyathus neimonggolensis Liu et Y.M.Li, 盘柄黑 蛋巢菌 Cyathus discostupitatus Liu et Y.M.Li,太原 黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus taiyuanensis Liu er Y.M.Li, 毛被 黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus hirtulus Liu et Y.M.Li, 天山黑蛋 巢毛被变种 Cyathus tianshanensis Liu et Cao var.tomentosus Liu Cao et Y.M.Li,环状黑蛋巢武夷山 变种 Cyathus annulatus Brodie var. wuyishanensis Liu et Y.M.Li. 全部模式标本保存在山西大学真菌标本 室.AbstractIn this paper two new species of Melanogaster (Melanogastraceae. Melanogastrales Basidiomycotina) are described as Melanogaster shanxiensis Liu K.Tao et Chang sp. nov.and Melanogaster obovatisporus Liu K.Tao et Chang sp. nov. The other species which have been reported from china are also discussed.关键字黑蛋巢菌属, 内蒙黑 蛋巢菌, 盘柄黑蛋巢菌, 太原黑蛋巢菌, 毛被黑蛋巢菌, 天山黑蛋巢毛被变种, 环状黑蛋巢武夷山变种Key期刊真菌学报 8(2):101-112, 1989PublicationActa Mycologica Sinica (Chinese)? 8(3):pp.210-213? 1989分享省市吉林省敦化市PlaceYangqu County? Shanxi Province? China採集地大石头站, 建设小站群生或散生于林内枯枝上EnvironmentThe mushroom collected in soil in deep layer of decayed leaves of Quercus liaoyungensis Koidz. and Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. at mixed forest region and pastoral area.海拨高度生态环境中温带湿润季风气候阔叶林区寄主阔叶林内空地上Habitattemplate continent climate mixed forest region and pastoral areaHostin soil in deep layer of decayed leaves of Quercus liaoyungensis Koidz. and Lespedeza bicolor Turcz.採集人李榆梅 陶 恺Isolation PersonChang Mingchang採集时间保存单位山西大学生物 系真菌标本室, 太原 030006Preservation UnitThe Herbarium of Mycology? The Department of Biology? Shanxi University? Taiyuan 030006? Shanxi Province? China描述等模式Speciman No.MHSU 909全文全文