上海遇见全球最大的星巴克Thelages,faciesSabucks 所有中国之最英语

位于上海这家2700㎡全球最大的星巴克咖啡甄选工坊,被称之为“咖啡的奇幻乐园” 。从这里你可以看到一颗咖啡豆是如何从“生豆到饮品”的过程 。这也是继美国西雅图烘焙工坊之后,全球第二家、全球最大的星巴克甄选烘焙工坊 。
I'm in Shanghai, about to go inside the world's largest Starbucks.
我现在在上海,即将进去世界上最大的星巴克 。
Yes, it's in China, not Dubai.
没错,它在中国,不是迪拜哦 。
This is called Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which means it has its own roasting facility inside the store.
这家叫星巴克臻选咖啡烘焙工坊,也就是说在店内有自己的烘焙设备 。
It's massive, even meant to resemble the experience of an amusement park.
它的规模很大,带给类似于游乐园的体验 。
This is the map inside.
这就是里面的地图 。
It also serves as an innovation center.
它也是一个创新中心 。
beer infused with coffee.
掺入咖啡的啤酒 。
In 2017, Starbucks opened its first Starbucks Reserve, a higher-end experience with Nitro draft lattes and alcoholic drinks.
2017年,星巴克开设了第一家星巴克甄选店,它是一种更高端的体验,有氮气拿铁和酒精饮料 。
Now it's planning to open a 1,000 more of them.
现在计划再开1000家 。
But the roastery is on another level.
但烘焙工坊是另一个层次 。
This is what's known as the tasting room. It's for organized events, tastings, things like that.
这就是所谓的品鉴室 。用于举办活动的、品鉴会之类的 。
The craziest part?
There's a separate standalone Starbucks literally across the street.
街对面就有一家独立的星巴克 。
One of the first things you see when you walk in here isn't anything related to coffee, but is actually chocolate.
一开始走进来,首先看到的不是任何与咖啡有关的东西,而是巧克力 。
It's kind of like being at a Godiva store.
这有点像在歌帝梵 。
The Roastery is hard to miss.
真的很难不注意到这家烘焙坊 。
Once the coffee is packed, it goes through what's known as the symphony pipes, which go up along the ceiling as you can see above me.
一旦咖啡被包装好,它就会通过所谓的咖啡豆输送道,你可以看到它慢慢沿着天花板上升 。
And then it goes all the way over to this coffee bar.
然后一路到这个咖啡吧 。
At the root of the store is, of course, coffee.
店的根本当然是咖啡 。
Here you can see where the coffee beans come from.
在这里,你可以看到咖啡豆的产地 。
You can see Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Tanzania.
这里有哥斯达黎加、秘鲁、哥伦比亚、坦桑尼亚 。
And every two to three months that changes depending on where the sourcing team finds the Starbucks Reserve coffee beans.
而每隔两到三个月就会更新,取决于采购团队在哪里找到星巴克甄选咖啡豆 。
Then there's the hand-crafted coffee bar experience.
还有手作咖啡吧体验 。
It's not a quick experience.
体验过程不是很快 。
It's gonna take about five minutes from the start of the boiling of the water.
从烧水开始大概需要5分钟 。
But that was done deliberately so that the baristas can engage with the customers, and talk to them a little bit on a personal level about the coffee.
但这是特别规划过的,这样咖啡师就可以和顾客接触,聊聊关于咖啡的私人话题 。
It comes with a card in Chinese.
它配有一张中文卡片 。
But if you read Chinese then you can see where the coffee came from, the flavor profile, a little bit more about what you're about to drink.