上海遇见全球最大的星巴克Thelages,faciesSabucks 所有中国之最英语( 二 )

但如果你懂中文,你就可以知道咖啡的来源、味道的特点,对你要喝的咖啡有更多的了解 。
In addition to selling food, coffee and merchandise, Starbucks tests out products here too.
除了销售食品、咖啡和商品外,星巴克也在这里测试产品 。
This is a beer infused with Starbucks coffee.
这是一款加入了星巴克咖啡的啤酒 。
It's exclusive to this location in Shanghai and one flagship store in Beijing.
只在上海这家店和北京一家旗舰店有 。
So you can't get this outside of China.
所以你在中国以外的地方找不到这个 。
My brain is a bit confused about whether I'm going to a nine a.m. meeting or a six o'clock happy hour.
我的大脑有点混乱,不知道现在是要去参加早上九点的会议还是下午六点后的快乐时光 。
This mojito is available as a non-alcoholic beverage.
这款莫吉托可作为无酒精饮料 。
But it's also available with alcohol, where it would have everything it has now, with a little bit of rum as well.
但它也可以用酒精,跟无酒精的配料一样,但会有一点朗姆酒 。
The food is all made by a strategic partner, Princi.
食物都是来自他们的合作伙伴Princi 。
It's a Milan-based cafe and bistro, that has croissants, pastries and even pizza.
Princi 是一家位于米兰的咖啡馆和小酒馆,有卖可颂、小糕点,甚至还有披萨 。
Coincidentally, I tried out a Princi just a few months earlier in Milan.
巧合的是,几个月前我有去过米兰的Princi 。
So, is their pizza in Shanghai as good?
This pizza?
Not as good as it was in Milan.
和米兰的比没那么好 。
I suppose that's to be expected.
在我意料之内 。
Also, it's certainly not cheap.
而且,它的价格不便宜 。
A slice of pizza costs 78 yuan.
一片披萨要78元 。
That's more than 10 dollars.
也就是10多块美金 。
Working here is a title that's considered to be earned.
在这里工作,算是赚到了一个称号 。
To get a job here isn't exactly easy.
要想在这里找到一份工作并不容易 。
In fact, you have to start out at another Starbucks store within China and work your way to this one.
事实上,你要先在中国的另一家星巴克开始工作,才能到这家 。
There's a sort of competition to get a job here, which will test your knowledge of coffee, your customer service skills.
拿到这的工作算是一种竞争吧,会考验到你的咖啡知识,你的客户服务技能 。
And eventually, if you're good enough, then you can work at this Starbucks Reserve Roastery.
最终如果你足够优秀的话,就可以在这家星巴克臻选咖啡烘焙工坊工作 。
【上海遇见全球最大的星巴克Thelages,faciesSabucks 所有中国之最英语】