英语阅读提升:“珠峰上的茶话会”打破吉尼斯世界纪录 一分钟打破吉尼斯记录英文

Climbers hold world's highest tea party on Mount Everest
The group of adventurers held a tea party at 21,312 feet above sea level at Mount Everest's Camp 2 in Nepal last year, setting a new Guinness World Record — which was officially recognized by Guinness this month — for the highest tea party ever held.
去年,这支探险队在海拔21,312英尺的尼泊尔珠穆朗玛峰2号营地举办了一场茶话会,创下了新的吉尼斯世界纪录——本月吉尼斯正式认可了这一记录——有史以来举办的“最高的茶话会” 。
【英语阅读提升:“珠峰上的茶话会”打破吉尼斯世界纪录 一分钟打破吉尼斯记录英文】Hughes, a self-described high-endurance athlete from Seattle, Washington, said he first had the idea for the tea party early in the pandemic when Covid-19 travel restrictions and shutdowns meant expeditions were not possible. He said the isolation made him realize he missed the community more than the summits.
休斯自称是一名来自华盛顿州西雅图的高耐力运动员,他说他第一次有举办茶话会的想法是在疫情初期,当时的新冠肺炎旅行限制和封闭管理意味着外出探险已不可能 。他说,隔离让他意识到,比起山巅,他更想念同伴 。
"The greatest things in life are often those shared," Hughes said, adding he hopes the feat — held on May 5, 2021 — will "inspire others to seek their own dreams, no matter the heights."
休斯说:“生命中最棒的事往往是那些与人分享的事 。”他补充说,他希望2021年5月5日进行的这一壮举能“激励其他人去追寻自己的梦想,无论梦有多远 。”
1. climber /?kla?.m?r/ someone who climbs mountains for sport 登山者
She was an experienced