初高中英语知识,中华民族32个传统文化相关的英语词与句 世界之最英文(14)

西方人觉得这是小孩子才会有的举动 。也不要把嘴放在碗边直接吸取食物 。要用勺子或叉子把食物放进嘴里 。如果你不习惯用刀叉,那就买一套放在家里练习如何使用,直到运用自如 。
7. Speaking loudly. 大声讲话 。
All Westerners try to keep the conversation to their own table. If the whole restaurant can hear you, you are speaking too loudly and it will be considered rude. In fact, some westerners find it difficult to do business in Chinese restaurants because the noise level is just too high.
用餐时,西方人只会与同桌的人交谈 。如果整个餐厅都会听到你的“演讲”,那你的声音就太大了 。实际上,一些西方人认为在中国的餐馆里谈生意是件很困难的事情,因为噪音太大了 。
8. Passing gas / Belching / Burping. 放屁 / 打嗝 。
This is considered rude in any situation. If you do need to pass gas, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Of course sometimes this is out of your control. If you accidentally pass gas loudly in front of others, you need to say, “excuse me” and quickly start talking about something to distract the people around you. DO NOT discuss any details about your gas, or any bodily function at the table.
在任何场合下放屁或打嗝都是不雅的 。如果确实需要的话,要上洗手间解决 。当然也有失控的时候 。如果不小心当众放了响屁,要说“对不起”,而且要很快转移话题 。千万不要大谈特谈“人之气”,也不要再餐桌上谈论任何与身体器官有关的内容 。
9. Cleaning ears with fingernails. 用指甲挖耳孔 。
This is not done in public. It shouldn't be done in private either! It’s dangerous. Use a cotton swab!
千万不要再大庭广众下用指甲挖耳 。在没人的地方也不要这样做!用指甲挖很危险,最好用棉签 。
10.Smoking. 吸烟 。
While others are still eating or even when everyone has finished eating, it is polite to ask their permission if you can smoke at the table. In many western restaurants you will be asked if you prefer to be seated in the smoking or non-smoking section. If your host chooses the non-smoking section, you will have to excuse yourself from the table to smoke.
当其他人还没有吃完,或者就算所有人都用完餐,如果要抽烟的话,要礼貌地征得大家的许可 。在很多西餐厅里,你会闻到是愿意在吸烟区还是非吸烟区就差那 。如果主人选择了非吸烟区,那你想抽烟时要征得同桌人的同意到外面去抽 。
三.中国人崇尚的颜色China’s Favorite Colors⑴Chinese people seem to like the red and yellow clors a lot. The two colors are used for the Chinese national flag.
⑵Maybe because the Hans originated in the Yellow River Plateau, a region where yellow was the prevailing color.
⑶Yellow was also the color representing the imperial court in traditional China. During the Sui Dynasty, yellow was officially designated as the exlusive color for the imperial family.
⑷In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow.
⑸Red represents happiness. For example, the word“double happiness”used for wedding is red. The bride wears red clothes, which is different from the white gowns of the West.
⑹During Chinese Spring Festival, people will give hong bao, or red envelopes with money inside to the children as well wishes. Couplets hanging on both sides of the doors are written in red.
⑴中国人似乎很喜欢红黄两色 。中国的国旗就是由这两种颜色组成 。
⑵这也许是因为汉民族的发源地是黄土高原,这个地域满目黄土之色 。
⑶在中国古代,黄色是皇权的象征 。从隋朝起,黄色成为皇家专用的颜色 。
⑷古时,用错了黄色会杀头 。
⑸红是喜庆的象征 。比如结婚时的双喜字是红色的,新娘要穿红色的嫁衣,这与西方穿白色婚纱不同 。