英语日常对话视频 英语日常对话( 六 )

It's toofor words.这太可爱了,无法用言语来形容
(4)I can't stand(bear) that woman.我受不了那个女人
He may be all right but I don't like him. 他也许不错,但是我不喜欢他
14.决断和坚持 , and
(1)I will go there .我要亲自去那儿
I haveto go there .我已决定要亲自去那里
I havethat I will go there .我已决定我将亲自去那
I havewhere to place my new desk.我已决定了安置新写字台的地方
I havewhere Iplace my new desk.我已决定了我该把新写字台安放到哪里
(2)Ion ourat once.我坚持主张我们应该马上出发
Ithat we () start at once.我坚持主张我们应马上出发(表示"坚持一个主张"时,要用虚拟语气()+动词原形)
Ithat I had nothis .我坚持说我没有收到他的来信(表示"坚持一个事实"时,用陈述语气)
It'sto do it right now.马上就干是对的
Well done(Good work)!干得好
(2)In myTom is the right man.在我看来汤姆是最合适的人选
It seem as if it is going to rain.好像要下雨了
So(As) far as I know,that is .就我所知(依我之见),那是可能的
(1)You must(,have to,ought to) study hard.你必须(或:得、应该)努力学习
It isfor him to do so.他必须这样做
It isthat he () do so.他必须这样做(从句要用虚拟语气)
(2)I am to see him .我明天该去见他
I amto go now.现在我该走了
(1)I can swim.我会游泳
He is able to come.他能来
We shall be able tothe work .我们可以在明天完成这项工作
(1)Ifish to .我喜欢吃鱼肉剩过吃鸡肉
Ito .我喜欢步行剩过骑自行车
He'dthem (not) to go there.他愿意他们(不要)去那儿
He'dbegin at once.他宁愿马上就开始
(2)Sheto be alone.她喜欢独处
I'dwalk than take a bus.我宁可走路,也不愿坐公共汽车
19.责备和抱怨 Blame and
(1)He is to blame.他应受责备
Shehim for theof their (Shetheof theiron him).她把他们婚姻的失败归咎于他
He 't have done it.他本不该做这事(用虚拟语气)
(2)I'm sorry to have said that,but you were too .很抱歉我讲了这些话,但你也太粗心大意了
Why can't you doabout it?
(1)I'm sure (of that).(这一点上)我很肯定
I'm sure I have done the right thing.我确信自己做得对
(2)I'm not sure (of that).(这一点上)我没有把握
I'm not sure (if) Igo with him( to go with him).我不太清楚是否应该跟着他去
I doubt if() he'll come.我怀疑他是否会来
(4)There's no doubt() about it.那是毫无疑问的(或:没有问题的)
It must be.一定是这样
I dare say.我感说
(5) so.也许是这样