英语日常对话视频 英语日常对话( 五 )

Do try to come.一定想办法来吧
Let's make it 8 o'clock.我们约定八点吧
Let's meet at thegate.我们在校门口见面吧
That'll be fine.Thank you.那好,谢谢
(1)I'm going to start next week.我打算下周出发
I inten(mean,plan) to start next week.我意欲(或:想要、计划)下周出发
I will do it .我要亲自干
I feel like going out for a walk.我想要出去散散步
I'd like to go out for a walk.我想要出去散散步
I (don't) want(hope) to go with you.我(不)愿意(或:希望)和你一起去
I'm ready to go with you.我愿意同你一起去
I wouldnot tell you.我真不愿意告诉你
(2)I want(hope,wish) to go with you.我想要(或:希望)和你一起去
I wish that you would go with me.(从句要用虚拟语气)我希望你和我一起去
I would do it if Ihave the .我若有机会,一定不放过
I would like to go with you.我想和你一块儿去
If only I could see him.(要用虚拟语气)要是我能见上他就好了
(1)May I use your bike?我可以用用你的自行车吗
Can(Could) I use your bike?我能用用你的自行车吗
Iif I could use your bike?不知道我能否用用你的自行车
Would(Do) you mind if I open the ?如果我打开窗户,你是否介意(注意答语:"同意打开"用"No"或"Not at all"等,表示不介意;"不同意打开"用"Yes",表示介意)
Yes,(do) .可以,请(便)吧
Of(you may).当然(可以)
Go ahead,.干吧.(或:说吧.走吧.)
That's OK(All right).那行
Not at all.一点儿也不
(3)I'm sorry,you can't.抱歉,不行
I'm sorry,but you can use my bike .抱歉,但明天你可以用我的自行车
(4)You can take that,if you like.可以给你那个,如果你想要的话
Take it,by all means.拿去吧,完全没有问题
Take it,do.拿吧,拿去吧
(1)(Sure,Of ).当然可以
No .没问题
Yes,I think so.对,我认为是这样
That's ture.是真的.或:确实是这样
All right(OK).行,可以
That's a good idea.是个好主意(区别:That's the idea."是这个意思!"或"对啦!")
It's a good idea to swim in .夏天游泳是个好主意
It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意
I(We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见)
I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划 (区别:"同意某人"用agree with;"同意某物"用agree to)
I agree to help you.我答应帮你
I agree that this is a good plan.我赞同这是个好计划
(2)No.I don't think so.不,我认为不是这样的
I'mI () can't agree with you.恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法
(3)Yes,just so.是的,正是这样
If you say so.如果你这么说的话,(那我也同意)
Yes.That's just what I think(was going to say).对,那正是我所认为的(或:那正是我想说的话)
I (guess,hope) so.我相信(或:猜想、希望)是这样的
There's no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的
(4)Idon't think so.我真的认为不是这样的
I think(,hope) not.我认为(或:相信、希望)不是这样的
I don't think you are right there.我认为在这点上你错了
I'myou arethere.恐怕你在这点上弄错了
13.喜好和厌恶 Likes and
(1)I like(love)(very much).我(非常)喜欢英语
I like(love) .我喜欢(或:热爱唱歌)
I like(love) to sleep late on .星期天我喜欢睡懒觉
(2)I don't like(I hate) that man.我不喜欢那人
I don't like(I hate) toyou.我不愿打扰你
I don't likefor help.我不愿求人帮助
I'veit so much.我非常欣赏它