英语日常对话视频 英语日常对话( 二 )

Do youthinkwillearth ?
There's a lot ofit will. But I don't think it's gonnasoon.
郑孝 two
Guess what? I knowyou don't know.
What's that?
How manyare there in the Solar ?
That's easy.knows there are nine.
NOt . Can youit? They'vethat Pluto is not a.
Nice try. I wasn't bornyou know.
I am dead . They'vethat it's too small to be a . Butthey haven't yeton how bighas to be in order to be a.
Thatcrazy. But they can't justtheir minds aboutlike that.
Yes, they can. If youused tothe world was flat.
Iyou are right. They also used to think that they were sothat the sunthem, not the other way .
Weknowabout space and .
Do you thatwe are able totofor a ?
Iwe couldlive on athe Milky Way.
Do you think we will get to meetfrom outer space?
I hope not. I think it would be ato those of us that live in the earth.
You are so old . That's whatused to think aboutfrom.
Point .one day we arein an.
A: It’s aday out today, isn’t it?
B: It’s , joy won’t last.to get cold .
A: What’s thefor ?
B:to snow early. And thenthere is aofrain.
A: That doesn’t sound .
B: Do you have any plans for ?
A: Well, I was going to drive toto see some .
B: You may want toyour plans with the cold and wetthat weto have . The roads are going to be.
A: II . I don’t likein. Do you have any plans for ?
B: I just have to go to class.
A: If you are lucky, it will get , and you can have a snow day.
B: if that , then I’llyou all here, and we can drink hot coco, and watch .
A: Thatlike a fun.
B: Hey, look , it’sto .
A:is even morethan I had.
A: Are you ready to go to the ?
B: Yes, are you?
A: I’ve got my money and my keys. So I’m ready.
B: You do know that it’sout, don’t you? I will put a coat on, if I were you.
A: It wasn’t cold out this . Well, itsince then. Look out the , it’srain out there.
B: Oh, I guess we’dgrab ourthen as well.
A: Have a look atfor me. Does that look like a hell to you?
B: It does . Maybe wewait for it clear upwe go .
A: That’s a good idea. But maybe wemove the car, so that the hail doesn’t dent it.
B: Ok, I’ll go move the car if you turn the heat on. It’s a bithere.
A: How long do you think this hail stormto last?
B: I don’t know. Thedidn’t sayabout this in thelast night.
A: Maybe weturn on the news in case itto get worse.
B: I don’t thing we haveto worry about. Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well?
A: Good idea, that’ll help us to warm up.
B: If I’m not back in ten , come and find me.
A: All right, I’ll have a cup of teafor you.
Clerk:Good .。
Brown:This is Mr. Brown . I’d like to speak to Mr.。
Clerk:I’m sorry, but Mr.left here just a fewago 。
Brown:I’ve beento call him for the last ten , but your line was busy. Will he be back soon?
Clerk:I’mnot. He is away for the rest of the day 。

英语日常对话视频  英语日常对话

Brown:Is there other way I can reach him?
Clerk:I’mnot. He has gone out of this town on . May I take a ?
Brown:I have awith him at 10 o’clock, but I’mI can’t make it 。
Clerk:Would you like to make?
Brown:, I’mhere , and I may be away fordays 。
Clerk:I see. I’ll tell Mr.that you’ve。
Brown:Thank you 。
Lucy:Do you have any plans?
Jerry:Not , all myare going home. It’s like. What are you going to do?